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James is lifting me up and onto his lap and I can hear Moira in the distance, calling out to us both. No one tries to help the other man as he pulls himself up onto an elbow.

        "I'm fine." I tell James as the man spits blood onto the dirt. His eyes flicker up to mine, grey like the sky just before it rains, and he offers me a little smirk. I'm hypnotized, pushing James away every so slightly.

        "No, you're not." James retaliates hotly. "He hit you. Why would you do that?"

        I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "Why wouldn't I?" I snap as I finally turn to look at him.

        "That's Jack Coult, he probably deserved it." James bows his head to peer at the man.

         I remembered how James had talked about him earlier, but somehow it only made me more curious. It was quiet as I began to collect myself and pull myself up off the ground. I brushed myself off, meeting the gaze of a few onlookers. I was irritated they'd made no effort to help Jack, despite what he might've done.

          As they slowly began to depart and return to their cars, I leaned down to offer Jack my hand. He was still on his ass in the dirt and seemed to be out of it. I had to poke his shoulder to finally get his attention. 

         "Please never try to stop a fight between two grown men again, Sparrow." I heard James say as Moira helped brush some excess dirt off my pants. Jack finally took my hand, and I could already feel the soreness in my ribs so I could only imagine how he felt after having his head smacked against a car. 

        "What happened?" I asked Jack as he slowly climbed to his feet. He wipes the blood away from his nose, smirk faltering finally. He flexes his jaw a little and almost looks like he's going to give me a reply when James cuts him off.

       "He was probably fucking lurking on them like a pervert." He meets Jack's neutral eyes with a gaze full of irritation. 

       "James, I'm sorry your lovely evening was ruined by this fight," I said, with all due sarcasm. I was getting tired of his attitude. His face seemed to drop slightly at my irritated expression. "However, I care to know and want to make sure he's okay. I'll meet you and Moira back at the truck." I turned to thank Moira and practically waved them off. 

     "So...." I continued, watching them walk away. "Will you tell me what happened?"

      After a long moment of silence, I turned to Jack with furrowed brows. 

      I took two large steps back when I realized he had crept closer and was now nearly touching my shoulder with his. His head was tilted slightly to the side, expression almost searching. He scanned my face with his perceptive gaze and then said simply, "You're new."

        "Yeah, I am. Tell me?"I prodded.

       He smiled, dimples appearing on his cheeks. "No. Thanks though." He looked me up and down,  backing away. "Sparrow." He winked, then turned and made his way towards through the cars. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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