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taehyung scrolled through twitter on his private account, searching for any kind of proof that yoongi was actually the second oldest and not the youngest of the group

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taehyung scrolled through twitter on his private account, searching for any kind of proof that yoongi was actually the second oldest and not the youngest of the group. not the maknae. not eighteen years old like google had said.

so far he hadn't gotten much success.

the yoongi tag was filled with posts of army praising him. praising the amazing rapper, brilliant songwriter, genius producer, thoughtful boy, talented musician.

praising the maknae.

the whole world except him and the members seemed to have gone mad. he was so sure that everyone had lost their minds. how could this be real and not some dream his mind had come up with?

of course, it's not like the situation wasn't to his liking...

and it's not as though he hadn't thought about this happening before...

taehyung shook his head aggressively to rid it of such thoughts. yoongi was his hyung. his elder brother. the member of the group that taehyung had always admired, always felt envy towards, always wanted to be like, always looked up to. his hyung was always on top of the world.

of course he wouldn't mind being the one on top now-

what the hell are you thinking? the rational voice inside his head screamed. it always seemed to be some kind of angel on his shoulder (inside his head) that focused his mind on what was moral, and not his desires.

and his desires towards yoongi were anything but moral.

he's your band member, tae! it tried convincing him, think about how it will affect the band! what will army think? what will bang pd nim think? what will the world think, oh what would namjoon, or jimin, or seokjin, or hoseok or jungkook think?

taehyung's brow ceased as annoyance took over his handsome features. of course, he already knew what jungkook was thinking. he had known it from the beginning when jungkook had laid his eyes on yoongi.

oh, who cares what they think, taetae? if you want it, you need to get it. own it. make it yours. possess it. have your name stamped across it. and have everyone know it.

the presence of an angel on one shoulder left room for the devil to occupy his other. a devil that didn't care of anything but fulfilling it's own desires, no matter who or what it hurts. taehyung rarely listened to this voice, his gut knowing better than to trust it.

but right now, there was nothing more tempting to him than the devil's luring words.

he groaned and turned over on his bed, throwing his phone away to some unknown void: he really could not care less. his head hurt and not in the way you would think.

he just couldn't get the image of yoongi out of his damn. head.

he buried his face in his pillow, muttering curses to the heavens, the father, the son, the holy spirit- and all the relevant people. he did not appreciate being in this situation at all- fantasies are supposed to remain fantasies.

but when taehyung's wildest fantasy comes true right in front of his eyes.. how is he supposed to control himself?

grabbing blindly around his bed for his phone that he had thrown without a care, he managed to find it hidden under a horde of blankets. he pulled up twitter and started scrolling again. yoongi, yoongi, yoongi.

every. fucking. where.

everywhere he goes.

it's yoongi.

he sighed, accepting defeat. as if he could ever escape the bottomless abyss that was min yoongi. his obsession had started since debut, and it had not in any way, diminished over the years. and he knew he wasn't the only one in their team to feel this way.

it was almost comical how all the members seemed to adore yoongi the most of anyone in the team? not that he blamed them, it's yoongi after all; but it was almost like a drama.

he snickered, reading army's comments on yoongi's latest post. it was so relatable it almost felt embarrassing. he scrolled through the crying emojis and the english curses he only half understood, but saluted the sentiment nonetheless.

the picture was stunning- as every yoongi picture ever. he was wearing a fuzzy black sweater, his silver pendant chain gleaming on his neck and his cat eyes shining. his signature gummy smiles that dropped bombs in armies (and taehyung's) hearts adorned his lips and it took a long while for him to break out of his trance and stop staring at his screen like an idiot.

he was only beginning to get out of his yoongi-infested mind when there was a knock at his door.

he sighed and went to greet the random visitor- this person had better have a good fucking reason for knocking on his damn door at six in the morning, or else he was going to ki-

'taetae hyung!'

-ss and forgive him because everyone deserves a second chance.

'hey yoon.' he smiled and opened his door wider, staring down at the unexpected (but welcome) visitor. yoongi was looking like he had just woken up and would much rather be sleeping right now. 'need something from hyung?'

'not really' yoongi yawned and rubbed his eye lazily, 'but joon hyung is calling you down. apparently some interview for some random magazine got preponed and we gotta do it now instead of on wednesday. he told me to go call you. all the other hyungs are already ready and waiting.'

taehyung just smiled at yoongi, barely even registering the words. he looked so pretty, his hair uncombed and messy, his sweater sleeves covering his hands because they were so long, and his eyes filled with sleep. he just wanted to pull him into his room and cuddle him forever. he almost debated actually doing it, but knew he couldn't miss the interview.

shame, really.

'alright, yoongi, i'm coming. but you seem too sleepy to be giving interviews, eh?' he pinched his cheek, his intrusive thoughts getting the better of him. 'what do you say we ditch the hyungs and go to bed?'

yoongi growled and slapped his hand away, rubbing his sore cheek that had gone red. 'i wish, but jin hyung would probably throw us down a river for causing trouble for joon hyung. let's just get it over with, i'm sure americans can't come up with any new questions- just say your dream collab is justin bieber and you're good to go.'

taehyung scoffed, but couldn't help agreeing. he patted yoongi's head affectionately, messing up his bed hair even more and laughed guiltily when yoongi whined and stomped away angrily.

'not my hair, hyung, stylist noona is gonna be so mad!'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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