Welcome to the playground

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Your POV

"You could wake up now. Mom dad Xavier" my voice small as I talk to my family members limp body's on the hard ground. I hear heavy footsteps coming my way. It was a big man holding two kids. I start tearing up. "Their not waking up can you help me" I ask, I knew well they weren't going to wake up I was in denial. I start crying. Xavier was my older brother. He was nice and protective. He was also really funny. My mom was the nicest and respectable woman I knew. My Dad was this happiest person ever to have a family.

The man looks at me nothing but pity and sympathy. "Stop looking at me like that" I tell him I sniff. He crouched down to be at my level. I quickly went up to hug him. We were like that for a few he felt so warm and I felt safe.he stood back up and started walking. He took a few steps forward and stopped to look back at me. He motioned his head telling me to come with him. I look at my family for the last time "bye" I whisper, little did I know the girl with pink hair that's on the mans shoulder was looking at me. I then turned to follow the unknown man.


"We're almost there" Vi pants "aw man" Mylo complains tiredly  "Mylo quit your bitching" I tell him as we climb the pipes that lead to the top of the building. "Hey powder Y/n come take a look." Vi says. "Wow" powder reply's "nice to get above it all huh?" Vi asks. "Yup I guess so" I say. A blimp flies over us. "Damn that's huge." Mylo says out of breath. "That's what she said" I laugh out Vi elbows me in the side causing me to Yelp  and jump back. "One day I'm gonna ride one of those things." Powder says. I start laughing Vi smacks me in the head. "And one day I'm gonna shoot one of em down" Mylo replies earning an elbow to the stomach from me.

"Vi are you sure about this? What if we get ca-" Vi cuts Claggor off " we're not going to get caught" Vi says. She jumps down to the side of the roof the rest following "look we'll be in and out before anyone notices" she walks to the edge of the roof. "Alright everybody follow me, just don't look down" and with that she slid down the side of the roof jumps onto a balcony then onto another roof. I get ready to go next but Mylo pushes me back. And jumps then claggor. I look at powder and crouch to her level. "What did me and Vi tell you" I ask her. She shuffles around nervously. Then looks at me.

"That- that I'm ready" she says smiling. "So? What are ya waiting for?" I ask. She hugs me then slides down the roof jumps on the balcony then the roof losing her footing but Vi catches her. "Hurry up Y/n!" Mylo yells "shut up Mylo I want to do this in style!" I yell back to him. With that I Turn around and walk away "Y/n! What are you doing?!" Vi yells. I'm at a good enough distance. I start to run back to the edge of the roof skip the balcony and just jump. The adrenaline pumping through my veins. I barrel roll onto the roof "Tada!" I say doing jazz hands in a lunge position. "Wow that was cool" powder claps. I get up. "Thank you, thank you" I bow. "Tch show off" Mylo mumbled. Someone grabs my hand. "You could've gotten hurt!" Vi says worryingly. "Last time I checked you are not exactly safe when you are on a roof" I replied

Time skip

"What if vander finds out we are all the way up here?" Claggor asks "look around you, you think anyone in topside is going hungry?" Vi asks
"Besides this is exactly the kind of job he would've pulled when he was our age. I'm going are you with me or not?" She asks "I'm going" I say Vi smiles at me. My face heats up. "Vander is gonna kill us" claggor says. "Yeah only if we screw up, so don't screw up" she then proceeded to jump onto the balcony rails and climb down. She then looks inside. "All clear." Mylo climbs down. Mylo checks the door.

"Ugh who locks their balcony he then pulls out his mousecatool to open the door I help Powder climb down then I climb down. I dust myself off. I look up to see Vi looking at me. My cheeks flush and I look away. "Wow, there is tons of enforcers down there" Claggor points out "means were in the right place" Vi says "hey you gonna get that door open soon?" Vi asks. "Hold up do you wanna see a magic trick?" I walk over to the door. "Look away" I tell them they look confused but end up looking away. I kicked the door open

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