[1- Dreamnotfound: Live Now!]

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Forewarning: Stop ignoring my description!! This is extremely mature, very explicit content, please be aware of that!

A light, cheery "Hello!" from Dream, with a quick wave and a small laugh that came from George at the enthusiastic introduction was the start of their very first stream on this brand new channel.

Dream side-eyed George. "Shut up," he muttered, an amused smile on his lips, "We have to begin this somehow."

"Ah, yes," George replied, barely holding back more laughter, "A simple 'hello' is definitely enough to describe us starting to do interactive nsfw videos."

"That's a direct way to put it," Dream murmured, turning to face the camera and clicking open the chat, "So, I know I announced this already, but, just a warning for anyone who doesn't know, this is me and George's new explicit nsfw channel. 18 and older only! Don't want us to get banned now, do you?"

"Yeah, and don't go spreading these around. There's a paywall for a reason."

Dream nodded. "Such a good point from my professional colleague, thank you for that, George."

George just rolled his eyes and Dream grinned widely as he got the chat all situated and ready to answer any questions or look over the suggestions.

The most common inquiry, which was along the lines of 'Why did you guys decide to even do this?!' Dream replied with this, "Basically, just because we want to. I mean, it's not like we're down for cash and have to resort to amateur x-rated films," he glanced at George as he continued, "No, this is just to indulge ourselves."

"I still want the money, though."

Dream shook his head fondly. "Always the gold digger. It's okay, I still love you, George."

George laughed shortly, "First I'm just your work associate and now it's like this is a couple's channel. Make up your mind, Dream."

"Oh," Dream murmured, "You'll be whatever I want you to be, George."

George sighed at that, "Why don't we get this started, yeah?"

"So impatient," Dream chastised, "Let me see if there's any more questions."

There were so many, the chat moving so quickly, absolutely flooded with disbelief that this was real, everyone still convinced it was a joke or something.

"No, we're not messing with you," Dream insisted, "And, yes, we will have some audience controlled videos and, of course, paid requests. There will be a mix of streams and then some pre-recorded videos as well."

George made sure to state, "Don't ask for anything weird or crazy, because we just won't do it."

"Yeah, well, there's always a limit. At the end of the day, we're only going to do what we want to."

"I'm looking at you, PissKink69."

Dream laughed, settling back in his chair, looking over at his partner in crime or, well, smut, "Alright, enough of that. How should we start?"

"However you want."

Dream mulled over his options for a second, eyes flicking back to the chat, a few messages popping up that said to touch George.

"Alright, let's do that then, what the people are asking for," Dream grinned, sliding a hand over George's thigh, "I think they want to see you get hard."

George sucked in a breath, eyes cast downward to watch as Dream's hand approached him slowly, his response a breathless, "Go for it."

Dream moved his touch up, pressing against George, making both their heartbeats quicken.

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