Tears and Tears

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Tear and tears

Day and night beep beep beep that's all I hear....

But when I close my eyes awakening is a joke

No one can understand the ending light.

As close as life may seem no one wake it

Rapists get away with a lot

Why can I

If I never open eyes I simply am not there

Dawn awakens but not without you

I question the motivation to live

Bearing the questions and concerns no one listens as if the sun where high or low no one notices when it dims lower and lower

As the gas runs out where

Where I question! But

The only answer is the devil kicking on the door

Let me in let me in he screams

But one's words saved him

The one's he truly didn't like

My my my my mother cries

As the beeps slowed so didn't my will

Water dripped down me and no one heard

I love you young one

To wake up to crying to falling asleep with a broken heart.

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