Words Part 2 (Monoma's POV)

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I shouted in the U.A halls at class 1-A.
The League of Villains had been spotted in the forest near U.A, 1-A had simply been around the area training and went against Aizawa's order. They had fought. None were hurt badly. A broken arm or leg maybe.

"Just admit you're jealous."
I slightly froze at the words that were spit at me,so much hatred coming from Izuku Midoriya he didn't even know it was possible to feel so exposed at the words of someone like him. A cry baby.

"I'm not." I shot back trying to sound as believable as I could. I laughed. And looked at him. Izuku Midoriya, more commonly known as Deku.


My blood ran cold. It was true. It's always been true. I've always been useless,nothing new.

"I was doing what I was told. Unlike you all!" I said at my usual voice level. I tried to push my thoughts back. I can't break. Not here. Not now.

"YOU GO AND SAY WE SUCK!" A brown haired girl shouted tears pouring out of her eyes. What was her name.... Oh! Uraraka.
"You have no idea who got hurt! You don't even care!" She said not shouting but her voice was raised. The tears flowed out more and "Deku"turned and hugged her.

"Well then who got hurt." I asked. I rolled my eyes to make sure they understood I didn't care. I did. Only a small bit but it's still there.

"Denki." Uraraka spoke again her voice wobbly barely able to get anything out before more sobs came.

"What..." I more of stated then asked.
Denki. Shinsou always talked about him. Talked about him like he adored him,loved even. It made my heart hurt. I had fallen in love with Shinsou.

"MIDORIYA!" I heard the voice I could recognize anywhere. Shinsou.

I looked to my right to see Shinsou rushing down the hall to get to Midoriya.
"Midoriya! I heard Denki got hurt! Is he okay!?" Shinsou's voice was panicked. Midoriya looked to Shinsou and nodded.
"He'll be okay,just a few broken bones and he over heated." Midoriya said softly.
Shinsou smiled. Tears rolled down Shinsou's face,he was so worried that he had let go in front of everyone.
Shinsou wiped his eyes and his gaze found mine. I made sure to quickly erase any emotions of what they said to me off my face. I smiled.
Shinsou glared at me. He was pissed.

I gave him look of confusion. Why was he mad? What did I do? I smiled cause Denki was alive,he'd be okay.
Shinsou had pure hatred in his eyes. Shinsou walked towards me, hands clenched into fits so hard they were turning white.
I knew that look to well. I instantly panicked,but I won't move,I'll brace myself for the impact but I won't run. If I run I'll get hurt worse.
I felt it before I saw it. Shinsou had punched me in the face. I fell to the floor. I landed on my butt hands on the ground by my sides. I looked up pure fear in my eyes. I know he could see it. I felt something trickling down my face. I shakily lifted my hand onto my face. He'd hit me in the right side of my face,hard. He'd hit my nose in the process as well. I pulled my fingers away from my nose to see the tips soaked with blood. The blood dripped off my face onto my uniform. I looked up to Shinsou.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Shinsou screamed.

"Huh?" I said, I was confused.


"WHAT DO YOU EVEN MEAN!?" I yelled back. Hurt evident in my voice.

"IF ITS ABOUT ME SMILING I ONLY SMILED BECAUSE DENKI WILL BE OKAY!" I yelled louder. I yelled but anger couldn't find its way into my voice.
"DON'T FUCKING HIT ME AGAIN! I'M BOT A PUNCHING BAG!" I yelled as loud as I could. I stopped to look up at him.
"I'm sorry Monoma." Shinsou said. His voice wobbly again as tears flowed down his face. "I was upset about Denki. I misunderstood your intentions." Shinsou spoke as he wiped his tears away.
"I-" I stopped as I felt blood drip into my mouth. I tasted metallic and slightly salty. I lifted my hand back up to my face as I wiped the blood away.
"It's fine. Just go see Denki." I said as I stood.
He hummed in agreement,and walked away.

Shame,Shame,Shame ||Monoma/Monoshin Oneshots||Where stories live. Discover now