The Setting Sun is quite pretty

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Prompt- He'd never thought he would face them alone
Character(s)- Atsushi
Warnings- Death, Giving up

What was so beautiful about this world. Was it the people, the stories, the scenery or was there no beauty in this wasteful land?

Death does not not discriminate it will take everyone at some point.
He sat on top of a hill facing the setting sun. The sunsets were always quite beautiful in Yokohama and the sunrises could be even prettier if you got them from a good vantage point.
He used to come and sit here with Kyoaka but she was gone now. Kunikida was gone, Ranpo was gone.

Everyone was gone. The Port Mafia never held their truces for long and now he was the last one left. When he was in the orphanage he had disliked being alone but now he knew what having friends was like. He would never be able to fill the aching whole in his chest.

Yokohama is a very pretty place but today will be Atushi's last day there. He's leaving, maybe then he won't be alone for much longer.

Atsushi got up from the soft security of the grass. It filled him with grief knowing this would be his last time here.

He turned around to face the stones each with a name inscribed at the top. In the middle sat President. Fukuzawa Yukichi.

"Good Bye." He said as he turned away and started to walk down the slope if the hill. "I hope to see you soon."

And with that Atsushi was on his way with a long brown coat hanging over his shoulders. When he had learnt of the Port Mafia he had always thought that the Armed Defence Agency would be with him. He'd never thought he would face them alone.

He was ready to fall into the hands of death just as all his former friends had.

"Thank you."

He walked slowly to the alley way he knew his death was to occur. Not many people are in a hurry for their own death.

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