Chapter One

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Phil's P.O.V

"Phil? Can you help me please?" Dan said, calling me over.

"Hm?" I said, approaching him.

"I can't choose" he said, looking at the shelf.

I scanned the shelf.

"Why are you asking me?" I asked, smiling.

Dan rolled his eyes and punched my arm.

"Because you always bloody steal it you twat!" He said, shaking his head.

"Okay then... Cinnamon Toast Crunch" I said, picking up the box.

"But you'll steal it all!" He said.

"Then let's get two" I said, grabbing another box and placing them both in the trolley.

"Fine" he agreed, and we continued shopping.

We always had a cereal dilemma whenever we went shopping together. And, we always go shopping together. So cereal dilemmas were definitely a regular activity.

"Danisnotonfire?!" A voice came from behind us.

Dan turned around and smiled.

"Yes?" He said, "that's me"

"Oh my god! Can I please have a photo?" She asked, pulling out her phone.

"Yeah sure, Phil? Are you coming?" He said, beckoning me over.

"Oh.." She said, "I don't really like Phil"

"Well" Dan said smiling, "I don't really like you"

My jaw dropped.

"Dan did you jus-" I said, before being interrupted.

"Let's go, Phil" he said, pulling me by the arm and leading me back towards our trolley.

I waited until we reached the frozen foods to say anything.

"Dan" I said.

"Yes?" He replied, grabbing a tub of vanilla ice cream.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, looking away.

"Do what? Grab the ice cream?" He asked, looking into the trolley.

"No Dan" I said, laughing, "not the ice cream. You walked away from a fan!"

"Oh" Dan said, "because"

"Because why?" I asked, still looking away.

"Because" he said, "I'm the Phil Lester Defence Squad!"

He then continued to dance like a cheerleader, until everyone around us was staring. By that time we were both cracking up laughing.

"Well... Thanks anyway" I said.

"All good" he said, staring at the ice cream, "want some chocolate as well?"

"Yeah" I said, smiling.

Dan put the chocolate ice cream in the trolley, and we continued walking around. We decided to go to the sweet section, as we were running low, and we were having a movie marathon tomorrow.

"Phil" Dan said, looking at me.

"Yeah?" I said, browsing the sweets.

"I'm sorry" he said, looking at me sympathetically.

"For what?" I asked.

"That girl. You didn't deserve that" he said.

"I'm fine" I lied, continuing to browse the sweets.

The truth was, I wasn't fine. I usually was, not very many things get to me. But I just never understood why I was the one who got the hate. Not that I'd rather it be Dan.

"That's all, I think" Dan said, and we made our way to the checkout.

Once we had paid, we made our way towards the parking block.

"Wait!" Dan said, as we were passing the movie store.

I raised an eyebrow, and he returned a 'five minutes?' kind of look back at me. I rolled my eyes, laughed and we pushed our trolley into the store. The place was huge. Thousands of shelves of DVD's lined every inch of the place.

"What are you looking for?" I asked, as we made our way towards the back.

"Oh, an anime series" he replied, scanning the shelves.

"There's a lot of those" I replied, following him.

"We just need to find - ah! The A section" he said, walking up to the shelf.

"What are you looking for, Dan?" I repeated, crossing my arms.

"Attack on Titan. We haven't watched that yet" he replied, turning around and smiling.

It took about two minutes for him to find the first and second blu-ray editions of the series. It was fairly expensive, but we weren't short on money, and we felt like we needed to spend a little more.

"Dan, the ice cream is going to melt!" I said, pushing the trolley as we walked out of the store.

"Oh yeah" he said, "I guess we should get going"

We made our way to the car, and packed all of the groceries into the boot. I then took the drivers seat, and Dan got into the passengers seat beside me.

"I hate city driving" I said, starting up the car.

"Quit moaning, at least you have a license!" Dan said, looking out the window.

"I didn't get mine taken off of me, thank you very much" I said, pursing my lips.

"Shut up" Dan mumbled, crossing his arms.

We didn't talk for the rest of the trip home. In fact, Dan still had his arms crossed when we pulled up outside our apartment.

"Please Dan, stop sulking" I said, getting out of the car.

"I'm not sulking. You're just being prude!" Dan said, frowning.

"I don't think that's the correct use of that word" I said, laughing.

"I don't care!" Dan said, slamming the car door and walking inside.


I then continued to unpack the groceries, single handedly, and I then made my way into my bedroom and scrolled through my Tumblr feed.

Hmm a live action Mulan?

I was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said, obviously knowing who it was.

Dan walked in the room, his eyes were puffy and he didn't look happy.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I-I'm sorry. I hate fighting with you Phil" he said, rubbing his eyes.

"Dan! That wasn't a fight! I was merely stating my driving status!" I said, laughing.

"I know" he said "but I got angry, and I'm sorry"

"Well, I guess, if I could have some of your cereal-"

"NO!" He yelled, grabbing a pillow and smacking me over the head.

"WOAHHHH!" I yelled, partially laughing.

He then collapsed onto the bed laughing.

"I love you Phil" he said.

"I love you too Dan"

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