Seventeen - Ghosts

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Trigger Warning Ahead: Mention of Non-Consensual Sex and Date Rape

Unlike Earth, Saqqar had two planets in the night sky. One resembled Jupiter with its rings around the circumference and then there was the moon, sending rays of silvery light down upon the sandy surface. There was no light pollution to cloud the night sky full of stars, unlike Earth. Many things were different than Earth, but that was the fun of it all.

With Rhage, Artemis would see so many worlds that were vastly different from her own. The universe was vast. It was overwhelming but exciting!

Artemis sat on the balcony of her and Rhage's quarters watching the night sky. It was hours after the...eventful...meal with Zen'tukte. Just hours ago she had threatened a Yautja without a second thought; as if he wasn't someone that could easily rip her in half. Doing such a thing was very unlike her. Threatening others had never been in her thoughts — something she didn't even attemp, if ever.

The slight chill in the air helped to pull her away from those negative thoughts and focus on the view. She didn't want to go back inside yet so she rubbed her arms up and down while curling into as small a ball as she could given her rounded tummy.

It didn't help much.

Her teeth were about to start chattering when a wall of heat surrounded her from behind. Familiar arms wrapped around her body to pull her further into the warmth, his heated flesh a welcome reprieve from the biting chill of the air. Rumbling purring filled the silence as he held her close, his legs coming into view as he stretched them out in front of them. A few of his clouded blue and red tipped locs fell over her shoulders as she leaned back into his wide chest. Feeling his rough heated flesh against hers was comforting.

"Mate, why do you sit outside in the cold?" He inquired, nuzzling the top of her head with his mandibles.

Artemis sighed contentedly, "I've never seen such a night sky before. It's...awesome." She couldn't help but smile. Her life had come to this and she only felt happiness.

He grunted an acknowledgement, "I worry you will freeze."

"Pfft. Babe, I'm fine. I have my living heater."

Rhage clicked in confusion.

"It means you're keeping me warm, like a heater."


He was quiet as she admired the splendor in the night sky. Viewing it was a bittersweet moment, but the feeling of being snuggled by Rhage helped to keep her grounded in the present.

"When I was little my dad and I would drive to a place where light didn't obstruct the view of the sky. The cities on Earth are so bright that you can't see the night sky so...clearly." Warmth blossomed in her chest as she remembered the ghost of yesteryear. "He would lay down a few blankets in the bed of his pickup truck and we would watch the night sky. I learned where the Big Dipper was and learned of Virgo, Pisces, and many others. For just a few hours we would lie and stare in wonder. I like to think that somehow he was able to join the constellations where he would watch over me. That he would always be there. Reminding me at every step to be strong, to rise above the darkness just like the heroes in the Greek myths had — like my namesake even." 

Artemis had almost forgotten what he looked like. His smile was nothing but a blur of flesh and greying facial hair. Even her mom's face was nothing but a blur...a ghost that flickered in and out of focus entirely. Seeing the night sky was a treasure that she would hold with her to remember the past.

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