Chapter 14

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There was a knock at the headmaster’s door and Professor McGonagall entered. “May I have a few words headmaster?” She said politely. Dumbledore smiled warmly to the old witch. “Off course Minerva, why do I owe this pleasure?”

“It is about Sophie.” She spoke, her smile lost from her lips. Dumbledore’s facial expression was between worried and warm.


“She is gone. She has been gone the last three days, nobody has seen her.” It was a pause before she spoke again.

“I think it might be serious. I don’t think this is one of her old pranks.”

Dumbledore nodded in agreement and the air fell silent. “Neither do I.” The moment he said the words the caretaker entered with his usual laud and stumbling way.

“You wanted to speak with me headmaster?” He said in a horse tone.

“Mr. Filch, I want you to search every inch of the castle after Ms. Sophie Riddle.”

The headmaster dismissed him with a smile and a short wave. It seemed like he had a lot to think about lately.


Under the dinner that day, everyone got interrupted by the old and shabby looking caretaker. Sweat was running down his face and long tatty hair.

Students began to whisper and giggle to each other when they saw Filch. Nobody liked the grumpy old caretaker who loved to give them unnecessary punishments.

“She-she is d-dead P-professor.” He stuttered, while whispering high enough so the other teachers heard.

“Found her in the dungeon, one of the oldest cells. Was not goanna look there, but I had this feeling and there she was!”

Nobody had seen Dumbledore together with two other teachers leave the table without words like that before, at least not until now. Snape’s cloak was billowing behind him, while McGonagall looked emotionless and strict.

The old wooden door was opened and first you didn’t see anything, but if you looked closer there was a girl curled together in one corner. She was so silent you were almost certain she was dead. She was covered in dirt and around her ankles and wrists it was heavy iron shackles. She looked so skinny and raged that it was inhuman.

“She is dead.” Filch stated self-confidently when no one of them spoke. Dumbledore moved forward and bent down on one knee. He placed two long skinny fingers at her neck. McGonagall held her breath and covered her mouth with her left hand. Completely shocked of the sight.   Snape stood there, looking like his usual careless self, while Filch facial expression said he wanted to run away as fast as possible.

“She is alive.” Dumbledore spoke calmly and it wasn’t before now Snape came forward. He lifted up her limp body up, after removing the horrible things around her feet and arms.

Once again that week the same person was brought to the hospital wing. You could think Madam Pomfrey got herself a shock when she saw Snape running with the girl in his arms. She looked really sick and she too thought the girl was dead.

“A few hours later and she wouldn’t be breathing now.” The nurse spoke with a scared voice, while standing by Sophie’s bed and looking at the sleeping child. Beside her Dumbledore looked thoughtful. More they didn’t say, Madam Pomfrey knew better than to ask. Besides she had a feeling she didn’t want to know what happened to the girl who had already been so any times at the hospital wing this year.


After several hours of healing, it finally came some small coughs from Sophie’s throat. Dumbledore had been sitting with her most of the time surprisingly enough and Snape and McGonagall had visited. Snape not so many times, but yet he had.

Sophie coughed a little more before she slowly opened her eyelids. Her sight was blurry and the only thing she could see way a figure sitting beside her. She wanted to speak , to say something, but it felt like her mind and body was separated and it was impossible to move.

A hand was laid on her shoulder in a supporting way and she knew it was Dumbledore. She wandered if he was mad or disappointed over her.

A few days later Sophie was sitting in the small hospital bed, ready to get permission to leave. But first Dumbledore wanted to have a word with her. It was an utter silence before he said something. “Tell me, who did this to you?” His voice was soft and caring, Sophie wanted to scream out the truth, but she knew she couldn’t. If she did, what were they going to do then?

“I already told you I don’t remember.” She said, not meeting his gaze. Her stomach twisted and she wanted to puke her guts out.

“I see, but I am afraid I don’t believe you.”

Sophie clutched her stomach and met the headmasters sparkling eyes. He was looking down at her in a way that made her guilt grow bigger and bigger. She instantly regretted her move, but it was too late. The next second she fell to the floor and puked, while sobbing loudly. Her shoulders were moving up and down. Dumbledore bent down beside her and placed an arm on her shoulder.

“Sophie I want you to tell me what happened.” He spoke calmly, but this time it was more like an order.

She shook her head in denial. “I can’t.” Tears were running down her cheeks now and Dumbledore sighed. “Okay.” He said softly after a while.

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