ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖

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Kay's POV
I sat on a hill staring into the horizon drinking my bottle of water and talking to my girl- Hahaha I wish, I really do but no, this books starts with something more interesting~

I didn't see him coming before he made contact with my cheek making me spit out a combanation of blood and spit, tied to a chair I laughed at him.

"Come on pretty boy that all you got?" I teased knowing I would probably end up with the 4th broken nose this month. What can I say I like a good fight.

My parents got me into this mess. If you could even call them that, they didn't really like me at all, they were rich CEOs of big companies and their sweet little Kay couldn't even get any good grades. I tried hard at first, I really did, but B+'s was as high as I ever got in any of my classes and I had cheated. After many tuters and teachers they just gave up saying they didn't have time to deal with me. I got used to it quicker than expected, I moved on knowing my parents would not care if I was dead or alive, and I thought the same thing about them.

"Where are your parents!" The guy asked as he threw another punch.
Laughing yet again.

I looked up at him and said.
"You obviously didn't do your research, I haven't seen those bastards in 5 years."

"Then what is this?" He pulls out a crumpled letter in his pocket and shoves it in my face.

I burst out laughing "Oh god, please tell me you're not that stupid, it has the address on the corner of the letter dipshit!" He looked taken back by my words and looked at the letter making him blush in embarrassment.
I untied my hands and stood up, rubbing the red marks on my wrist from the rope.

"Have a nice day." I say to the gawking man as I am walking out of the warehouse, surprisingly I didn't get jumped because there were no guards. I walked to the closest liquor store, gave them the fake ID and bought some vodka, the burn really is the best. I didn't miss the orange car following me. If you're gonna follow someone don't drive an orange car dipshit! I suddenly run, with my vodka, down an alley that was too thin for the car and hid. I guess they really did have guards I just didn't see them, they probably think I'm gonna warn my parents, yeah no, I'm good.

I take my time wandering around the not so populated town for a few hours while drinking and humming. I saw a random man walking down the street and stumbled over to him with my drunk ass.

"That is an ugly ass tie mister." I say while looking at his greenish and brownish thick tie.

Laughing a bit he said " My wife made me wear it today but if you want to take it off of me let's go somewhere more private hun."

And that's when it all goes blank, not blurry


I woke up tied to an old wooden chair and my whole body just totally cramped up in pain. Questions flew through my head at an impossible speed, definitely not helping with my throbbing headache.

How long has I been sitting here?
How did I get here?
What happened yesterday?
Did I still want a cat?

Yes, I definitely want a cat, I don't even know why that's a question.

Anyways, I break free of the rope and try to leave the room, unfortunately, that room is locked and there are no windows in here, what office doesn't have fucking windows?!

~3hours later of Kay being stupid~
I was going around the room kicking shit when my foot made contact with the desk and I herd a small whimper, my whole body froze. I slowly leaned over the top of the desk and peaked under it to see what made that sound. Sitting there was a small man around my age. He didn't see me and was looking from side to side as if I might come for him any second. Seeing how scared he was I decided to scare him more so why not?

I leaned my head down more to make sure he could see me and said "BOO!!!" extremely loudly making him jump and hit his head on the under part of the desk. I don't know what I was expecting next but I sure wasn't expecting him to start crying softly as he curled into himself like he did.

I kinda of wanted to comfort him, but I didn't. Who knows who this guy is.

"Have you been here the entire time?" I asked while totally ignoring that he was crying. He nodded a bit as he got himself back together. I guess he doesn't like being scared, who knew? "How can I get out? I would like to leave."

"You can't."

"And why the fuck not?" He didn't respond he slowly backed up from under the desk and away from me.

"You're wanted by powerful people Kay." He finally responded as he backed into a corner.

"How do you know my name?"

"I know everything about you. Birthday, favorite color, lucky number, by the way who picks 8 for a lucky number?"

"I do dipshit now who the fuck are you?" He flinched at my tone but stayed in the corner.

"Do you wanna know who I am or who I am supposed to be?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean??"

"You say fuck a lot."

"Answer the damn question."

"Since you're not gonna make it out of this place alive I might as well let you in on a little secret." He said more to himself than me, "I'm Slade or as you would know me as, Asudem, leader of The Medusas."

1000 words

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