Chapter One: Time To Leave

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The first words I heard when I woke up on my 16th Birthday before my mom left to work!
Not a "Happy Birthday Toni"! Or a "Have a Good Day Princess"!
A "Wake yo lazy ass up".
That wasn't Very pleasant ! But I could still Manage ! Well you know Wassup MY Name is "Toni"
Not "Toni Ramirez" or "Toni Swaldo" Just "Toni"!
And This Is My Story

I was born in Atlanta,Georgia on the floor of my mothers fiance's trap house . My mothers Belizean and my fathers Cuban, however alot of people tend to mistake me for being Mexican. Perhaps it's because my long dark brown hair and cream colored skin but it still pisses me off how they get the two races confused and don't bother asking they just asssume that they know. Anyways, there I was walking down the street from school listening to Nicki Minaj's song "Chiraq" featuring Lil Herb, and as I was walking towards the Mini-mart on the corner, suddenly the girl i've been trying to avoid ever since me and my ex best friend Egypt jumped her the last day of middle school. Yeah, I know what people might be thinking "its not cool to jump someone" but to keep it 100 if you have ever witnessed your best friend getting her ass handed to her you would have done the same. As I walked pass her i attempted to avoid eye contact when i notice she had pulled out her phone and was telling someone to hurry. In a panic I crossed the street and made a left down a ally as an attempt to escape. When I realized my mistakes seeing as how every time someone walks down an ally in the movies they get hurt ! I thought that maybe if i walked back the way i came i can still get away safely. Boy was i wrong, because just as i was about to go back i spotted three girls walking toward me and they didn't look happy. I tried to run but the girl I jumped had some how came up behind me and grabbed my arm and slung me in the greasy slime on the ground. Might I add that I was wearing my all white cashmere sweater, black and white concord and my favorite faded skinny jeans. So know I'm pissed off because all of that got totally messed up. Sadly, i could not defend myself very much due to the fact that I was out numbered 3 to 1, well 4 to one to be excate. So there i sat curled in to a ball as an attempt to protect myself as they kicked me in my ribs and head. Just as i was beginning to feel dizzy i see an old African women who looked bout 40 years old come rushing toward me yelling "Get the fuck off that girl you good for nothing ratchet bitches before i call the cops".While they ran away the lady kneels down next to me and asks "You Okay Suga"? I jumped up I started running and i could hear the lady screaming behind me, but i dint pay her no mind because as i ran home the images of what happened replayed in my mind over and over again. I was now so very upset but not because of my clothes but becuse of how quickly my past caught up to me at such a young age.

As I walked up the stairs of my apartment I seena Bright orange eviction Noticed Taped to my door, as I looked through my living room window I seen everything gone, No couch or pictures not even our Coffee Table! I kind of panic'd , I had no choice but to break the window and check if my clothes were still there! So I walked down stairs and grabbed the biggest rock I could find and broke the living room window. So as I climbed through i kinda cut my thigh but i knew it wasnt that deep, as I walk through the living room I was praying that my things would still there but somthing told me to stop and look in my mothers room, as i peaked through the door while i push it open i gasped and automaticly thought well since the manager of our building toook my moms things I knew he took mines. I walked into my room and see all my things there then I had to second think "Did my Mother Jump up and leave me" ?

All I could say is Why?..... Why? Why? Why? , So I Attempted to pull out my phone and call her but I Didn't Have the Guts. I told my self "Do it when your ready"! I grabbed most of my things fast as I could, Then walked down the stairs. I called my Boyfriend "Armani".

Armani; "Hello?"

Me; " Yes Hello, Armani?"

Armani; "Yes You okay Babe ?"

Me: "No not really can you come get me somthing really bad Happened and I Would rather be in your care im at home".

Armani; "Alright Im On my way"!

I really feel uncomfortable talking to my boyfriend about whats going on, I dont want him to feel like he has to take care of me so im kinda scared to talk to him about it , I just hate being Judged.

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