Chapter Three: BILL$.

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Jessi walked me to my room. As soon as I walked in I noticed two cali king beds pushed together, a projector and leopard printed fury wall paper, And when i say fury I mean fury, like the maids have to brush it about 3 times a day. It was like love at first sight. As much as i would like to go on and on about my rooom and how beautiful it was ... I can't. As I was putting my things away Muva walks in and hands me an Iphone 6. I stood there in utter shock wondereing why and getting ready to decline her offer when she hands me a very large booklet on how things are ran at Le Baddie! and to not bother trying to return the Iphone because it comes with job so that everyone can stay in contact with one another. I still felt uncomfortable about my whole situation and slightly confused. I mean the fact that i was able to become a stripper and get into a gang all in the same day is slightly mind blowing. Well, I'm technically not offically a gang member till my initiation which i bellieve is takeing place later on tonight. Thinking about all the documentries and movies i've seen i started to get nervouse and kinda scared because initiations usually have to do with someone gettinge beat up by everyone or killing some one and i personally would like to not experiance either.

I lay on my bed looking through the booklet that Muva gave me , It stated that for my first initiation I have to dance on 30 people within 30 Mins , that sounds kind of hard especially because I just started this job so I barley know how to dance. I think I bit off more than i could chew, But I came to far to give up now. *Ring* *ring* I feel my new phone vibrate in my pocket. It slightly calls me to jump because im not used to haveing a phone.

I slide it over to answer,

Me: "Hello?"

Muva : "Can you meet me in my room?"

Me: "Which room is it? This Muva right ?"

Muva: "Yes it is, and Room 43". *HangsUP*

I get off the bed and quickly pull on change of clothes, as I'm stepping out my room i see a gift basket filled with 2 pistols with 35 clips,2 pink tazors, 20,000$, 2 deb it cards with my name on it, and a form that asks me what type of shoes I like , whats my shoe size, my favorite name brand! This was the craziest thing i had ever seen. Who gives some one a gift basket with guns and a tazer as a welcoming gift. This had me thinking maybe this job might be harder and more dangerouse then I thought.

Even though these are not exactly normal welcoming gifts from people.

As I walked in the hall and knocked on Muvas Door because she lived only one door down , it felt kinda good to know you have people that can be there for you,

Muva: "Come In"
Me: "So what do we need to talk about "
Muva: "you single?"
Me: "Yea, just recently got out of a relationship"
Muva: "Aw sorry to hear.. But Any way how you like you room?"

Me: "Its hella nice I never seen anything so big".
Muva: "Glad to hear it Babe"
Me: "Babe"?
Muva: "Yea Thats What Your Gonna be Right"?
Me "No" *While Blushing*
Muva: "Oh Okay, Well you gotta be down Stairs In 20 Mins for your Initiation.
As I walked out Muvas Room I was thinking to My Self This is the moment of truth. I gotta go dowm Stairs to Dance For my OFFICIAL First time, Im kind of nervous but at the same time im filled with joy because I Can Make some (BILL$)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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