Get the courage!!!

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Early in the morning, the sun rises and awakes starfire and robin.

*robin* Hey star, you're up earlier than usual

*starfire* im sorry if i awoke you i always go to the roof and watch the sun rise and set

*robin* oh *rubs back of neck* could i umm, come with you???

*starfire* oh of course!!! There is not the need to ask!!!

They both walk up to the roof and sit down at the edge of the titan tower.

*robin thinking* Oh wow!!! She looks so amazing with little wind blowing through her hair and the light from the sun glowing on her!!!

*starfire thinking* Oh robin, if only i had the courage to tell you how i felt about you, you look amazing in the light of the sun!!! Like a hero, not batmans sidekick!!!

The sun had risen at exactly 07:00am which meant raven and cyborg would be up, cyborg heading to the kitchen for breakfast and raven would start making spells and meditating, both of their normal routine for each morning. Robin shifts closer to starfire by the slightest bit, she didn't notice. He moves closer again but she notices this time.

*starfire* Robin??? what are you doing???

*robin* oh, uhh *think robin think* my butt was aching...*urghhh another rubbish move yet again robin*

*starfire* oh um, ok... I might go inside now, come in when you want

she ran off, her amazing pink hair flowing behind her as she went. robin could tell he kind of freaked her out with the whole but thing but he needed an excuse to get closer to her!!! he was going to grab her hand by surprise but plan failed!!! *starfire runs to kitchen bumps into cyborg*

*starfire* oh i am the sorry cyborg, i was just * looks around to see where she is* very hungry

*cyborg* its ok star * carries on with making sandwich*

starfire made her sandwich but flew off into her room, slightly embarrassed by the way she had ran off on the roof with robin and just left him there. surprisingly, robin was waiting in there.

*robin* ohh star, about the roof, i didn't really have a... um... you know... aching... b *gco*

*starfire* robin i know!!! and i wanted to apologise for running off like that!!! i was *lies* hungry.

*robin* star i can tell when you're lying, now, tell me the truth, please!!!

*starfire* ok... i was embarrassed... i knew what you was doing i just... i was shy...

They pause and look into each others eyes... Both in a deep thought. Robin leans in.

*robin* oh um, sorry star, i guess we got a little *star giggles a little bit* carried away...

Robstar (fanfic of robin and starfire)Where stories live. Discover now