Chapter One - The New Kid

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Y/N = Your name
E/C = Eye color
H/C = Hair color
H/L = Hair Length
Your name is (Y/N) and today September 2nd is your first day at Sburb High. You have beautiful (E/C) eyes, and (H/L) hair which is a nice tone of (H/C).
(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I sighed, today was my first day at Sburb High. I looked out my moms car window to see us pulling up to an absolutely awesome looking school. Damn, I thought, this thing is huge!
As I walked in I was immediately told to head to the Principles office. I did so, I was greeted by a man of the name Andrew, he told me to call him Mr.Hussie I agreed and we went on. "So (Y/N) we hope Sburb High will let you feel included and wanted." And he carried on like as if I was a baby and had no idea what a Highschool was. (A/N you're in grade 10) After his babble about the normal 'Welcome to Highschool' stuff he handed me my locker number and my day plan.
I headed towards my locker, "Locker 379 eh.." I said continuing down the hall.
Once I reached my locker I had realized someone was beside me. "Uh, excuse me, y9u seem to 6e standing infr9nt 9f my l9cker Miss. This c9uld 6e very triggering t9 pe9ple, including me." He raised his voice near the end making you flinch a little "Oh, oh I'm sorry!" You said a little to loud "It is 9k miss, oh! My ap9l9gies, I haven't even intr9d9uced myself, I am Kankri." "(Y-Y/N)" you stuttered a little.
His eyes seemingly widened "!, (Y/N) I have been informed of your presence here at Sburb High. Mr.Hussie has ordered me to guide you to your classes since he made you have the exact same as me." "And what classes would those be?" You added some sass into there "History, P.E, Lunch, English and lastly, Chemistry." "Oh, okay." you paused "Shouldn't we be heading to class?" "Yes, yes in fact we should."
As you headed down with Kankri he stopped for a bathroom. You waited outside when in a second you were pushed into the girls bathroom. "Who do you think you are, hanging out with my Matesprite?!" She shouted, Matesprite, what the hell is that? "I-I was being guided to my classes by him.." "Yeah-huh, sure. Next time I WONT let you off." And she punched hard, in the gut.
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes, cause damn, that punch to the gut hurt a lot. You walked out of the bathroom to see Kankri wasn't there, he must've still been going to the bathroom!
Yeah.. You waited for another 10 minutes and let out a sigh and a groan. "I guess he didn't feel like waiting.." You mumbled under your breath "I guess I'll have to find my way around myself-" you were cut off by a small girl jumping towards you "*ac pounces on new girl* Hello! My name is Nepeta!" She said in a very hyper voice "Are mew lost?" You nodded shyly and looked down at her "I shall show mew around and you can meet my furiends too! Evfurry single one of them!" Oh god, this is going to be a wild ride and you ran down the halls with your new friend, Nepeta.
Welp, I tried. Part One of my Schoolstuck Kankri x reader ay. 💎
Uhm, if you like it vote and leave some feedback on how I can improve? Thanks. 😉💐

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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