The first Day

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"rose! Get up today's the first day of school!"
My sister jumps on me and trys to wake me up I sit up slowly in a painfully way from her tackling me she jumps off and runs off down stairs to eat breakfast I get up and go towards my closet to pick out something to wear I rub my eyes trying to fully wake up then I pick out a nice shirt some nice jeans and some sneakers and I began to change then I put a little mascara on then I put on my glasses then brush my hair and put it up in a poneytail I grab my books and out them in my backpack and a few notebooks and pencils I go down stairs and grabs a snack for during school and eats breakfast and then the clock hit 7:29 I'm two minutes late I grab my backpack and rush out the door saying bye to my mom and closing the door

Soon  At School:
As I was unlocking my locker and then shoving everything I don't need into it and rushing off to class soon as I entered the classroom my teacher says my name "rose.. your staying after class your late and your gonna be helping Lyra with her studying again this year" I sighed and said yes ma'am and walked to my seat and sat down and took notes on the lesson to help Lyra with her studies soon some kids across the class started giggling and pointed at my shoes and making fun of me one of them was Lyra... I ignored it and continued to study a work soon I had to go to the restroom and raised my hand and the teacher let me out I walked in the restroom did my business and as I was walking out the last stall the popular kids came in giggling and fixing their lipstick and makeup fixing their hair and looking nice and pretty as always I was always.. jealous they were so beautiful and pretty and always dressed on the other hand others say I'm pretty and beautiful I know they are lying and trying to be nice and crap so they could have a 'good reputation' I walked up to the sink and washed my hands soon I felt someone grab me by the hair and laughed and dragged me to the first stall and dumped my head into the toilet then they let go laughing so hardly at the fact that they dumped my head into the toilet repeatedly for fun then some how they got ahold of my drawing and flushed them down the toilet all the girls left except Lyra she watched as I was tearing up and my mascara smeared all over my face and she got on her knees and pulled out a little tissue and tried to wipe the tears away and try to remove the mascara marks and she helped me up and gave me a hoodie of hers so I wouldn't be cold

In Lyra's view:
The others was fixing their makeup and hair I was fixing a small dot of mascara on my eye brow that somehow got there someone walked out of the stall and washed their hands and minding her own business then my friend whispered "wanna see something funny" the rest of the group agreed next thing I know I was watching them dump this poor girl's head into the toilet repeatedly and I recognized her it was my tutor! I said "hey. Isn't that too far" they ignored me  and grabbed a art work of hers and flushed it down the toilet and after the girls left she poor girl curled up by the wall crying and mascara running down her face I kneed down and got a tissue out one of my pockets and wiped her face and the mascara marks and I helped her up and gave her a old hoodie of mine I felt... weird and bad for her..she was beautiful but I stayed silent

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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