Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Niall is bolting from the library and he has no idea where the hell he is so determined to go to. All he knows is that his heart is pounding so fast and hard it is practically driving him mental. His ride isn't arriving for another hour and walking home would take twice that. He huffs frustrated but even then he slows down slagging along the wall of an abandoned corridor. His knees bend up and his head finds a way to fall into his waiting hands.

“What am I doing?”

He ask aloud but the only answer is the slamming of a door somewhere further down the corridor. His heart is finally starting to return to a normal rate and his mind beginning to register thoughts other than his contempt for Zayn. He's trying to tell himself that the spot where Zayn's hand touched on his thighs isn't heavy with want but even that's a lie he's not willing to believe.

When did it all happen, he asks himself? Sure, he knew he was attracted to guys...but guys like Zayn. No, absolutely not. He wanted a guy who was predictable, reliable, someone who he could trust. Not Zayn. He was constantly putting Niall on edge, always making him double think himself, and practically turning him into a raging lunatic when he was near.

And were his eyes easy to drown in, of course. His smile, the real one, was blinding and contagious. His accent ran through Niall's mind at a infuriating rate. But Niall wasn't some scatty lad who couldn't tell his true feelings apart from a physical attraction. He knew exactly what he was looking for and Zayn Malik was absolutely, positively, simply not it.


Zayn had to take a minute to collect himself. He was used to seeing the Irishman a hot and bothered mess but this was another level to him. Unlike his other girlfriends or boyfriends previous, Niall was making Zayn work for it. Little did the younger boy know how much more of a attractive catch he was making himself become.

Zayn sat up, abandoning his supplies on the table and walking calmly out the same door Niall had stormed out of. He was hoping the blonde lad hadn't marched straight out of school and wandered the corridors aimlessly searching for him. His heart pounded harder the more time he spent looking.

His attention somewhat drifting to lustful thoughts of passion. His neck heating up as he imagined Niall's lips grazing them, licking his lips at the thought of crashing their mouths together, palms growing sweaty as they anticipated their future endeavours.

It was no surprise that his eyes had turned to dangerous shade of brown by the time they landed on the younger boy. Zayn had said that he didn't ask for the things he wanted, and he decided it was just about time to show Niall how true that statement really was.


To be fair, Niall really didn’t know what was happening until he had already been dragged halfway down the corridor. He's sure that if he had had the opportunity he would've resisted. However, the hot and strong grip on his wrist was pulling him along and Niall was simple following, or tripping, behind. When his train of thought caught up with his stumbling legs his eyes made their way to the back of Zayn's neck.

“Zayn, what are you doing?” Niall asked surprised but made no motion to pull away from his grasp.

Zayn ignored him. Just continued marching along until he had reached a heavy old wooden door marked, “maintenance”. His stronghold on Niall's wrist didn't waver as he gave the door a kick and then easily pulled it open.

Niall could feel a heat grow in his stomach as he let Zayn pull him into the darkness of the small room. Before the door had a chance to close behind them Zayn pushed Niall up against a barren wall. With one swift motion Zayn had Niall's other wrist in his hand and pinned them both to the boy's side. He crashed his mouth onto Niall's and leaned in close letting his body push heavily against the boys smaller frame.

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