|~Bartender~| 🖤

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Alright so, I didn't like how the first plot was going so I looked up some inspiration on Twitter and now I have a wayyy better plot :) enjoy! (Long one btw, and I'm very proud of if :D)

"come on George! It would be super funnn" "Yeah dude, I go like at least twice a week, it's a really nice place." Sapnap and his other friends (bad, skeppy, and Karl) are all currently trying to convince their friend, George, to come along with them to a supposedly really nice bar.

George wasn't a type of guy to go out, go to clubs or bars, or stay up late partying. He was mature, unlike the rest of his friends.

"I don't know guys," argued George, "Bars aren't really my thing, plus there's always some weird creepy guys there."

"No, we promise you. Everyone there is totally chill," explained Sapnap. "So will you pleaseeeeee come? You need to live a little George, you're always soooo boring," Karl complained. "Like, all you do is sit in your room, play video games, read, and that's basically about it."

George considered going for a couple minutes, but then he remembered that he had some other import things too do tonight. But he was also thinking about what Karl had said. He will admit, he can be a bit boring sometimes, but that is how he liked it. Simple.

..... "Alright fine, what the heck," George finally gave in. "WOOOO" "YESSS," the boys starting screaming. "You won't regret this George," assured Sapnap.

                   ~At The Bar~

When the five boys arrives at the bar, George was amazed at how it looked. Pretty LED lights were decorating the building, the place was huge, and a seating area outside on a deck with a pool table, and an outside bar. Not many people were out in the outside area because it was February and it was a little chilly outside. George read the neon rainbow sign above the big double doors. "The Dead Rabbit" it read. (Lmao I looked up famous bars on google because im not creative and can't think of my own name.)

All the guys walked into the bar and George was immediately hit with a strong scent of achohol. It burned his nose, but overall, the inside looked even better than the outside. There were more LED lights, chairs and couches that looked comfy, a seperate room with a pool table, and some other games you would find at a bar, and most importantly, the bar (duh)

"Pretty cool huh?" Asked Sapnap with a medium size glass cup in his hand filled with some type of brown-ish tan-ish achohol.(just pretend George was looking at the place for so long Sapnap had time to go get a drink) "Yeah, this place is amazing." George had to talk a little loud so Sapnap could hear him over the blaring speakers. "I told you this would be fun," said Sapnap as he took a sip of his achohol. "Oh! George I actually want you too meet someone who works here." "And who is that?" Asked George with a confused look plastered on his face. "He's a really good friends of mine, and he's the bartender that works here," explained Sapnap.

George then looked in the direction of the bar but couldn't see much because there was a big crowd and it was blocking his view. "Come on George," Sapnap then began leading him through the crowd and towards the bar.

             ~The Bartender~

After Sapnap led George through the impossibly large crowd, they finally made it to the bar. Sapnap sat down on one of the circular stools and George sat next to him. "Who did you want me to meet? I don't see anybody here," George said as he looked around the bar.

"I'm sure he will be here soon, probably went to the bathroom or something." Right when Sapnap finished his sentence, a tall, muscular man (kill me) walked out from a door behind the counter.

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