**~I Smell Oil~**

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V Pov

Oh, I love the screams of helpless worker drones in the night~*!

As I slashed them all with my blades, enjoying the oil that splashed on me in the process, I saw a couple of workers escaped though a metal door.

But, just as I ran up the hallway to slice that baby open....

....I got electrocuted. Robo God! THAT F***ING HURTS!


............ugh.....they got away.

When I started to walk back to J defeated, I then felt something hit my head. I turn and it was a little girl drone throwing rubble at me.

Ha, easy to grab!

So I snatch her up and took her to J as she screamed. When I got to where J is, she was already done making her prey fall asleep.

"Hey, J! Can you sting this one for me?"

J looked at me and the drone, then gave me a look...

Buuuttt, she stung the little brat for me anyways!

"Thanks, J!"

She just continued what she was doing as I was wondering on what to do with the now sleeping brat worker drone.

I'll give her to N. He's always seem to be, well... um, "too nice" to us, but mostly to me... I don't get why sometimes. I mean I know why, but still! I usually mess with him a lot and I like J like a... friend anyways!

After grabbing our huge haul of dead workers, we finally arrived to our base. N came out of the pod after J called him.  After talking to her, probably giving him orders, he came right to me. 

Time to give him the gift!

"Hey, N~*!"

N:"Oh. Yes, V?"

"I got you a little something nice since you were too busy to hunt with us today~*."

N: "Ah! Don't worry, V! I won't let that happen again. Besides, I love anything you give me!"

I then showed him the gift. He had a surprised smile on his face.

N: "Wow...um... Thanks V! I'll... put this in my room!"

After the adorable himbo went to the pod with my gift, J then approached me.

Wait, am I going to feel something? Is she going to propose to me?!!

J: "Why did you give him that?!"

Oh. She was worried about that kid. Well, I don't care about following the rules anyways. Besides, N might get hungry later!

"'Cause he didn't go hunting with us earlier, so I got a little snack for him~*"

J was not impressed with my answer as we both went back to the pod.

We saw N sitting on the couch waiting for us, and we then sat next to him so we can eat together. As we were eating, a drone woke up scramming!

Welp, it's for the "Ol' V & J's Bite n' Stabber" technique!

Before J could help me with it, N quickly sliced its head in half with his bare knives. That..... I have to admit that was... hot~*!

"Wow, N! You slit it open! And there's a lot for us in this one! Great Job, N~**!"

N: "Oh... um, you're welcome, V!"

After we ate the rest of our delicious meal, me and J decided to go to sleep mode for a bit.

....but I smell something. Something new. Something crisp! Something.......FRESH!

I imminently run into N's room, since I can tell from the smell that he must have hid the fresh oil somewhere! Even though, I only saw his boring clean room and my gift to him on a chair, I have to find that oil!  So, I searched everywhere, despite J's protests about being in his room. Just when I was going to check the bed drawer, N came in his room and saw J and me messing his room up. 

Great... now i have to deal with him.

N: V. What are you and J doing in my room?

"Oh, sweet pie N~*. I just smelt some oil and I just was wondering.... WhERE YOU HID IT???"

N: "W-wwhat??"

V: "I want to know N. Where did you hid the oil? It's the best oil I have ever smelled in my whole robo existence on this planet! Don't worry though~*! I promise me and J will share it with you this time if you tell me where it is~*!"

I rubbed N's cheek softly, hoping that he will say "Yes, V." and show me that OIL. But, he just stared at me, confused for a bit and then answered happily:

N: "Ooooh, do you mean the oil on my sheets?"


"Your sheets??"

N: "Yeah, my sheets sometimes get oil scents on them.  It happens when I eat here alone."

I then begin to smell the bed sheets and...he's right. i smell the same oil I tracked from them. 

Crap! I wanted that oil!!!

(Sigh) "Ok, sorry, N. I just get hungry when I smell oil. I'll go back to my room..."

As N was accepting my apology, I just ignored him and J, and went to my room.

Ah! Room sweet room! Full of dead drones on the floor and oil splatters on the wall. 

So cozy~***! <3

(Also my collection of my "favorite" parts from dead drones in my closet, if you know what I mean. **~wink~**)

As I laid on my bed and drift into sleep mode, I still have smell of that yummy oil in my sensors. I hope I could just... get of taste of it...~***

(**Snoring Cheerfully in SLEEP MODE**)

- - - - - -


I am soooo borrrreeddddd!

I'm currently put on guarding duty, since N didn't to hunt with us last time.

F**K! I wanna slash some drones! And drink some oil, too!

But.... I guess I should let N get a chance to hunt for a while. Hope he brings me something good like I did for him!

I decided to drift into a long sleep mode on the sofa. As I was nightdreaming about J and I bathing in a hot tub filled with dead drone oil, while N makes and serves us oil smoothies (with oprearaic music, of corse!), I then heard a banging noise.

I got out of sleep mode and checked outside.

I looked around the tower, but I suddenly notice a drone walking around in our base. 

Perfect! A easy snack for boredom! And, it's the purple kind! MY FAV~***!

I then silently and slowly got close to the worker drone as I pulled out my hand knives...


I hope you guys like this V chapter! :D

It took longer then expected... "<:3

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