I Hate That I Want You

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"You know that Tae's gonna be there, right?" Jungkook looks at his friend, "...him and his little gang of nerds."

"You need to get over it, how long has this been going on?" Jimin says to his friend.

"Does it matter how long? I can't stand the guy and I don't know why we have to go to some stupid grad party."

After years of studying and exams, of endless lectures and campus life, graduation year had arrived and that meant tons of parties. Jungkook and Jimin were dance majors along with Hoseok. The trio had been a tight group of friends since they were ten years old and spent every hour of the day dancing. Two years ago their little group expanded to include a trio of music majors, Yoongi, Namjoon and Beomsoo. It was a useful union in more ways than one, the obvious point being that the dancers were never short of music to perform to and then there was the union of Yoongi and Jimin who quickly became a couple and have been inseparable since. They were all a part of the same section of the university and all shared dorms in the same area of the campus.

One of the other groups that shared the same area, breathed the same air and mixed in the same circles as music and dance was the drama crew. Performing arts was a specialist area of the university so it made up for a vast majority of students much to Jungkook's displeasure. He didn't like drama students, they were so over dramatic and extra all the time. He could be sitting quietly eating his lunch with his group of friends and suddenly the doors would open and in would walk a group of noisy students, talking loudly and usually throwing their hands around just to over emphasise their point... that everyone could hear anyway due to the volume level.

"See? They can't even walk down the hall like normal people." Jungkook hisses to Hobi who is within earshot.

"You know what actors are like. You should be used to it by now." Hobi says.

"There will be loads of them at this party so you'll have to get very drunk quickly." Jimin adds as they walk towards the exit.

"I'll need to get fucking drunk because Tae will be there."

"Everyone knows you hate each other so I'm sure there will be enough alcohol there for both of you." Hobi laughs.

There are too many reasons to list as to why Jungkook hates Tae but he can't really remember any of them, he just knows that he does. His dislike for him started years ago, sometime during their early school years and that's just the way it is. The thing is that the feeling is mutual.

Taehyung is a drama major, he's flamboyant and encompasses everything that an actor should be. He's also very gay, confidently gay which adds to his whole personality. He hangs out with his group of actor friends, a tight circle of guys who have been friends forever and all share the same love for drama. You rarely find Tae without Seokjin, Doyun and Juwon, even though the latter two members of the group are identical twins so unless they are together, no one actually knows which one is which. Jimin tells everyone he can tell them apart but he's never been put to the test so people just take his word for it.

The performing arts subjects mix frequently as you would expect, especially when there is a big production like the one coming up. The show is a huge coming together of the entire performing arts section. The drama students act, the dancers dance, the music students set up the sound system and provide the music for the whole show. Such a huge production brings in the art students who design the posters and the technology students who help design any special effects needed. It's a massive theatrical affair which showcases performing arts to the world and is a culmination of years of hard work by the graduating students. Unfortunately for Jungkook's crew, it means having to work alongside the drama students which is bad enough but thanks to graduation there is now the subject of parties too.

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