Foolish One: Demonic Heartless

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An: This is basically the army that Y/N HoR gave Snake Uchiha.

At Snake Uchiha location.

On the mysterious island is Snake who is inside a fortress that he built.

Currently Snake is meditating until a portal open behind him and walking out of the portal is Y/N HoR himself

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Currently Snake is meditating until a portal open behind him and walking out of the portal is Y/N HoR himself.

Y/N HoR: "good the war hasn't begun yet" he said looking at the five monitors that show all the individuals who are apart of the upcoming war.

Snake: "Is something wrong sir?" He ask.

Y/N HoR: "no but I am here to bring you the army that gonna join the upcoming war" he said pulling out a dark orb and giving it to Snake.

Snake open his eyes and look at the orb which have 10 thousand demonic Heartless.

An: the 10 thousand Heartless are completely different because they were infused with demonic energy and they are completely loyal to the Anti League.

Snake: smirk "Soon Union won't know what hit them" he said.

Y/N HoR: "Also I will be introducing myself to the elder demon who has been pulling the strings" he said opening a different portal and walking through it to meet Superior.

An: I have decided to let omage1 talk to me about this new idea of mine because the story Foolish One is theirs not mine.

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