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Nayeon's POV

"Hi Oppa!" I greeted as I walked inside the convenience store, approaching the cashier.

"Oh hi Nayeon-ah! What makes you come here?" Jaebom oppa asked. His face shows that he's surprised that I am inside his store.

"Uhh.. well, I was just wondering if I could work here... you know a part-time worker." I answered with a smile.

"Why? Does your parent knows that you'll gonna work here?" He's literally surprised about my decision.

Honestly, My family were financially stable but I wanted to work because I wanted to be an independent woman, and of course.... I am aware that Yoo Jeongyeon is working here

"Uhh... nope they don't know yet, but I'll tell them later. So please let me work here." I pleaded with my puppy eyes.

Jaebom oppa released a sigh and look at me. He smiled a bit and went at the storage room to get something, and came back with a vest.

"Well, since your my favorite cousin I'll let you work here. Give me your schedule first then you decide on what shift you'll gonna work." I squealed in delight and immediately grab the vest and wear it.

"Does it look good to me?" I asked him and oppa nodded his head in approvement.

"So, I'll let you work for the night shift. It'll start at 5pm and will finish at 8pm, you'll have a substitute after your work so be good to her." Oppa reminded me and I nodded.

He then told me what to do and showed how the thing works inside. Jaebom oppa lets me work at the cashier, and he arranges the stocks on the shelves.


It is now 6:00 pm and I wonder when will Jeongyeon come. Jaebom oppa said that she should be here at this moment.

"Hey Nabong!" Oppa called at the stock room.

"Yes oppa? Do you need help?" I asked as I made my way on the room.

"Have some meal first. Are you fine with some beef tripe bento box?" He asked and I nodded my head.

Jaebom oppa served me the meal and I thanked him then eat the food. I just stayed here at the stockroom, since employees aren't allowed to eat inside the store except here in the stockroom.

"I'll leave you here first okay, the deliveries will arrive in 5 minutes. Enjoy your meal Nayeon-ah!" He ruffled my hair and then left the room.

I look around the room and saw Jeongyeon's locker. It was filled with stickers of a dinosaur and some paint splatters, which look awesome. I continue eating when suddenly the door burst open and a scream followed.

"OPPA! THERE'S A GIRL IN HERE!" I turn my head and saw Jeongyeon at the door.

Her eyes were bulged out and her right hands were clasping on her mouth. I smiled at her and she seems to loosen up a bit. Jaebom oppa then quickly rushed inside and as soon as he reach our place, he burst out laughing.

"Yah Yoo Jeongyeon, why are you shouting like you saw a ghost?" My cousin said while wiping his tears, due to too much laughing.

"I-I didn't expect that an outsider will be here, and besides her hair were kinda loose so I thought she's a white lady." Jeongyeon defended.

I scoff at her statement. HOW CAN SHE THINK THAT I'M A GHOST?! I'M TOO PRETTY

"Yah Jeongyeon-ah, that's an incredible way to welcome our new worker here. Come on, give her a proper introduction." Jaebeom oppa jokingly said and patted her shoulders.

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