An oddly haunted possesion-p.2

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After a long drive they arrived at the destination.
They knocked on the door yet no one opened.
-Fucking ready or not here I come!- Bogdan said as he kicked the door open-Motherfucking!
There was plenty of blood, animal skulls, crystals and golden jewellry around.
-Marcinek we could take all that and sell-Bogdan laughs
-Boss look someone's upstairs!- Bogdan and Marcin look along at the staircase and notice a dark figure in a long dress with a hood running upstairs; they chase after
-Marcinek ruuuuun! Grab this whatever it is!
Eventually, they caught it and uncovered it's veiled face.
It was a teenage girl. She had pretty grey eyes, with eyebags underneath them, and a face full of scars and smeared make up. Her hair was beautiful- it looked like dirty gold. She had medium degaged hair with bangs.
-Woah she's pretty-Marcin thought
-Be careful! It's either a shapeshifter or a succubus-Bogdan pulled out his cross and holy water- either way this bitch must be killed!
Bogdan started praying and splashing her with holy water. No effect.
-What kind of fucking magic is this?!- he yelled
-Sounds of hiphop on the block's 9th floor..- she sung very quietly
Marcin was amazed.
-You know the band..
Marcin untied her and she just tucked herself in the corner out of fear.
-Boss look...I think she's scared..
Bogdan's stone heart softened. He sighed.
-Well..maybe she is a human. W-ha-t i-s y-ou-r na-me?
-Are you gonna hurt me- she whispered
-Oh no no!- Marcin immediately rejected this idea- We would never. Care to tell us a little about yourself..?
-My body hurts ouch... could we go somewhere else
-Yeah sure-Bogdan started flexing his muscles- I'll carry you there. Marcinek you weak bitch watch a proffesional.
They moved onto some couch.
-What- Marcin looked at her
-My name is Ola..
-Ooh. Such a pretty name- he smiled at her- I'm Marcin. Nice to meet you.
-Tell me, what is such a girl doing here huh?-Bogdan took some beer from his coat and sat next to Ola and Marcin.
-Nobody wants me. Everyone ran away so I had to hide. You probably wonder what are those things-she shows at the bloody skulls and gold-those are sacrifices for my God, Vinicius.
-Fuck damn, Vinicius is a demon-Bogdan frowns- a very dangerous one! Did he harm anyone?
-Other than me...yeah. Someone who continued to abuse me emotionally and...sexually for the past 2 years..
Marcin looks at her with sad eyes
-What happened to..that idiot?
-I wanted Vinicius to punish him.. and he did.. while Rinley was cutting some onions his knife accidentally moved onto his veins in his dominant hand. They damaged his nerves. Poor him, no more way to pursue his dream career of a neurosurgeon.Um..I don't feel so good..
Ola turned pale. Bogdan and Marcin freaked out.
-Hey stay with us okay??? Ola??
She suddenly passed out in Marcin's arms. He picked her up.
-How come she be so light as a feather?!
-Don't ask dumb questions-Bogdan rushed him-let's go to the ER, we don't want them to take our insurance money for some little bitch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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