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Hola Readers~! I felt that if I am going to continue the story, I should at least give you an idea to what the main character looks/acts like.

Name: Danielle Smith (Nickname given later on = Danny)

Age: 18

Physical description:

Hair- light brown, mid-length with side bangs (tell me if I should change anything about this, or put a picture up)

Height- Tall for her age

Eye color - Bright green

Etc. - Has glasses, prefers to wear contacts though. Has freckles on her nose (a very light amount)


She is a VERY shy person (She always seems to have her nose in a book) but, as soon as your friends with her, she can become very outspoken. She is REALLY into guys. She is a tomboy, meaning, she loves videogames and riding her skatebored. She enjoys sports such as football and soccer. She isn't afraid to get dirty. She dosen't like large crowds of people. She has a love for animals. Lastly, she blushes easily.

Housing- She lives on her own in a small cottage.

Pets- Has 1 dog, he is a German Shepard (puppy) named Buddy, 2 horses, Sahara and Apollo, and 2 turtles, Isabella and cupcake

Fears and weaknesses- fears thunder, loud noises, small spaces, and spiders

Fav animals- horses, dogs, turtles

Nationality- a little bit of everything.

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