New me

241 11 3

Kelvo pov:

I run to the bathroom and vomit Blood in the toilet my body was pale my eyes were heavy Black lines are on my eyes im growing...weak

Kelvo:"Fuck...*wipes blood on his face*...Whats wrong with me..."

I then vomit again it hurts my Stomach my throat it hurts so much Singed then went in to my room found me crouching near the toilet

Singed:"Your sickness is getting worse...You need the serum...Kelvo...a serum that can save your life"

Singed sign and put a cloth on my face making me sleepy

Singed:"I will insist you...will...tak-

And i black out

5 minutes later i woke up

Singed:"your awake"

Singed then show me a purple syringe

Kelvo:"the fuck i wont take that"
Singed:"You need this kelvo....for your sake it will help you"

With a doubt Kelvo nod singed then tie Kelvo into the chair

Singed:"this will hurt a little"

When he injected me the purple liquid runs through my vains I screams from pain tears running down to my face


Then the pain go away i was gasping for air breathing heavily And

Kelvo Vision

i saw silco sitting on a chair humming a sound


Silco was holding a baby boy and I realized it was me My heavy eyes hurts tears gathered
And silco then says something

Silco:"my son i will never leave you nor forsake you"

I look to the other side i saw sevika with me on her shoulder where playing as villain destroying buildings and city's
I chuckled looking at the happy memories, and i saw myself and silco sitting on the rooftop

Young kelvo:"Dad... why are the top sides are richer than us I mean they live a nice life than us in the under city scraping some coins together order to survive..."
Silco:"topsider are selfish there richest,fame,And greediness take over there see they saw us rats they look down on us for being poor"
Young kelvo:"How about the council?"
Silco:"Oh they are the true villain all they do was talk and talk about important stuff to piltover...while Zaun was. Left and rot to the underground...they are monsters..."
Young kelvo:"What is your dream dad?"
Silco:"Making zaun great and earn the respect to piltover and I will name Zaun as The nation of zaun"
Young kelvo:"Thats a big dream"
Silco:"oh yes it is"

End of the vision

I stands feeling dizzy but i stand still any minute i walk towards the mirror seeing myself bloody mess
My veins are Purple my eyes glows through the dark

Kelvo:"Doctor what have you done?"
Singed:"i made a new Person a new you"

I look at my self on the mirror

Singed:"so tell me Child...Who are you?"

I Took a deep breath

"My name is.......Crypto"

Sheesh its 1 am in here so what yah think?

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