~ Chapter 2: Baseball Accident ~

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At baseball diamond, Sonic and Y/N are peeking from behind a tree, watching a baseball game.

"Whoa, the playoffs!" he gasped.

He grabs his sister by the hand again and speeds over to the bleachers to watch the game up close and the players congratulating each other. Later on, everyone packs up and heads for home, leaving the baseball diamond completely empty. Sonic and Y/N are now on the baseball diamond, admiring the beauty of it all.

"Whoa. So cool."

"I know."

Sonic spots some baseball equipment and he plays the role of a batter at home plate. Y/N notices it.

"Mind if I play too?"

"Sure. You can be the pitcher. You're good at throwing."

Y/N grins and gets to her place as Sonic does the introduction while role-playing other things.

"Bottom of the ninth, tie score. And exactly who you want at the plate with the game on the line--Sonic!"

Sonic gestures to Y/N doing the role of the pitcher for the opposing team.

"But staring him down from the pitcher's mound is the most fearsome southpaw in Green Hills--Y/N! She's dangerous I tell you!"

Y/N giggles as Sonic mumbles to himself as a batter.

"Okay. Focus, Sonic. If you win this game, you'll be the most beloved kid in Green Hills."

Sonic now plays the role of an infielder, Sonic does a secret code with his fingers, straightens his cap, slaps his face a few times, does a couple of armpit farts, flaps his hands and cups them against his mouth.

"Hit it to the guy in left! He's a real space case."

Sonic playing the role of the left outfielder, Sonic blows a bubble of gum.

"Ugh, I can't with that guy. How am I related to him?..." Y/N rolled her eyes playfully.

Sonic plays the role of the umpire.

"Hey, batter Sonic. Hey, batter Sonic. "Suh-wing," batter Sonic."

As the pitcher, Y/N throws the ball after getting a signal from Sonic who went back to the batter position as the ball makes its way towards home plate and he hits the ball high. As the outfielder, he smells a flower in the grass and sees the ball.

"I got it, I got it, I got it!"

Sonic tries to catch the ball but is unsuccessful.

"I don't got it."

As the batter, Sonic runs to first base and rounds second while he throws the ball as the outfielder and he dodges the ball in slow motion as the batter and he comes up to third base and plays the role of a teammate.

"Go home! Go home!"

Sonic rounds third base and he plays the umpire again.

"Come on!"

Sonic jumps up and makes a dive for home plate, the umpire catches the ball and he makes it.

"Safe!" Y/N shouted.

Sonic slides to a stop and jumps with joy.

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