The Inferno That Started It All

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It has always been a part of our lives.
It has always been there.
It has become a normal part of our lives.

This day was just like any other normal day.
One mission.
Five agents.
One target.
It was supposed to be a simple extraction.

But it all went south.

At night

Derren's POV:

Darkness loomed over everything.
The only thing I can see is the giant inferno just 1 click from me.
Dust, mud, dirt.
All covered my face.
The ringing.
It can't stop.
"This mission, was supposed to be just like any other mission.
Simple extraction.
The only thing was that we weren't told about what the target was.
We were going in blind.
The location was all that we knew.
Moscow, Russia.
How many men?
How many weapons did they have?
Where exactly is the location?
We didn't knew that.
All we knew was that it was in Moscow.
And that we were only given 4 months to complete the extraction."
I thought to myself.


I heard Nicole shouted from the radio.

I didn't respond.

All I could hear was the ringing in my ear.

And all that i could think of was that I need to regroup with Joanna.

Joanna was my partner in the field.

I was supposed to go in by the south side, and Joanna from the north side.

The plan was for the both of us to meet at the middle.

Just when I was about to go in, the camp exploded.

Luckily I was still 500 meters from the camp.

So when it exploded, I only got repelled 500 meters away from where I was standing.

After I pulled myself together, I pulled out my beacon and set it on to ping my location for the team to find me.

I only had a handgun and my radio.

I pulled out my handgun and turned on the flashlight it was attached to.

And I began walking through the ruble.

Suddenly, my radio shorted out.

That means, I have no way of communicating with my team.

And the beacon was starting to die to.

I thought "Whatever this is, it's tempering with electricity.".

The flashlight died not long after I entered the camp.

Or what was left of it.

The sight I saw when I entered the half burning half burned to ash camp was horrifying.

Although we didn't knew the exact number of people there were going to be, we did knew the estimate.

It was around 1.000 men.

In my line of work, seeing dead bodies were a usual.

So, you could say that there are not much things that could horrifying me in the field.

But this sight was horrifying.

Not because there were many dead bodies scattered everywhere.

But because there were no bodies.

That could only mean two things.

The first and the thing that I hoped for was that the estimated 1000 people here evacuated this place and blew it up after they left it.

The second and the one that i hope is not the case is that, something else blew this place up, killing the estimated 1000 people but leaving no trace, not even a single body.

Sometime into searching for Joanna, I found a radio.

I tested it and it seems to work.

I setted it to UNIT'S frequency.

Horrified of the sight that I saw, I called Arron through the radio.

I asked for an extraction for me and Joanna.

I finally heard someone's voice.

By this time I was way up north of the camp.

Joanna's beacon and radio was broken before the explosion happened.

So, searching for her in the dark of night was really a tough thing to do.

I ran to the voice.

As I hoped for, it was Joanna.

She was fine.

She didn't even went unconscious.

Seems that she was looking for me.

When I ran to her, I saw that her face was very pissed off.

Then she shouted at me.


I shouted back.


While we were arguing over who's fault this was, the team arrived to pick us up.

Before we went home, I asked Arron to scan the air for any human DNA, just to confirm my predictions on what happened here.

After he scanned the air, he told me that the air was full of DNA.

So we're basically breathing in dead bodies.

Clara then said, "Don't blame each other, this was unexpected."

Me and Joanna knew each other very well, so we learned to trust each other's words.

Then I saw Nicole.

She ran towards me with a worried look.

Then she hugged me and asked if I was okay.

I said Yes and she then proceeded to ask the rest of.

Arron's air scan proved my worst fear. The air scan proved that there was indeed another thing that exploded that caused the estimated 1000 people to disintegrate.

My guess is that the thing that we were supposed to get from the mission caused the explosion.

We went to our jet and get the hell out of there quickly.

Because our mission was compromised.

While in the jet, we started to prepare for the "discussion"  we're going to have with the rest of UNIT.


Derren's POV:

My name  is Derren.
I lead a team of 5 agents.
We work for an organization called UNIT.
Which stands for Unified Intelligence Taskforce.
UNIT is a dark organization.
The word dark referring to covert not evil.
So basically speaking, we work for an organization that doesn't exist and we also don't exist.
We were recruited when we were 14.
We trained and eventually became friends and a team.
The five of us were the best at our training.
That made us the most deadly team UNIT has.
My four fellow members and bestfriends were Clara, Joanna, Nicole, and Arron.

Clara was my younger sister, she worked as our communicator with the public, basically the one dealing with conferences and other public stuff .

Joanna was my best friend, we met when we were in elementary school. She acted as our field agent along with me.

Nicole was my fiancé. We also met in elementary school along with Joanna. Nicole acted a our technical operator. Basically dealing with everything related with computers.

Arron was also my best friend. We met at the UNIT academy where we trained as rookies. He acted as our forensics agent. He was the only person that I talked to when I first joined UNIT as a rookie, outside of Clara of course.

The five of us made the best possible combination for a team, and we went on countless missions together.


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