Collateral Damage

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When everything you love has been stolen from you, sometimes all you have left is revenge.
Sometimes, the innocent get hurt. But one by one, the guilty will pay.
Nothing ever goes exactly as you expect. And mistakes are life and death.
Collateral damage is inescapable.
- Emily Thorne

In the jet

Present day

Joanna's POV:

I was sleeping for what felt like 3 hours.

I knew that Derren had sent everyone off to rest for 5 hours.

But I just couldn't sleep.

I think it's because of shock of what just happened.

For all I know, everyone is in their own rooms right now.


Then I heard a loud clink noise.

Something like a glass cup hitting the edge of the table.

I grabbed my handgun and opened the door just a bit.

To check on whoever it was in the common room.

I thought that someone had snuck up on board.

When I looked at the crack in the door.

Luckily it was just Derren.

He was brewing some tea.

And he was just sitting there, looking at something.

I went out of my room, and walked to Derren.

"Whatcha looking at?"
I asked Derren as he was looking at a photo.

He laid the photo flat on the table.

"Agent Todd"
"The best agent outside of UNIT that I've ever worked with."
"A nice 20 year old girl with a personality that could even make Arron smile."
Derren told me who the person in the photo was.

I remembered her.

She was the agent working with me on operation "Destiny".

That mission changed Derren.

I didn't knew what happened exactly to him.

Truth is, no one knew.

He did write a report, but I just knew that the report was the short version of what actually happened.

"You know, we aren't supposed to talk about the people who are involved in that mission."

" I mean, you said it your self."

I reminded him.

" Well, she's dead."

Derren told me with a tired face.

" What is going on Derren?"

I asked because this wasn't right.

The mission.

5 agents.

1 target.

But there was just something off about this.

We didn't knew what we were extracting.

We didn't knew where it was.

I just knew that Derren was hiding something about this mission.

" What are you hiding?"
I asked.

" This mission."

" It was the last thing we could do."

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