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"The usual."

You bark out a laugh at Charlie. "Oh, so there's a 'usual' now?" you ask him through creased eyes, hands already busying themselves making his coffee.

"I've visited more than enough times, I think I deserve a 'usual' at the very least." Yet again you laugh at him, missing the way his face flushes as he stares at you. You're glowing— not that you usually aren't, but you're in a good mood today and Charlie can tell.

With an amused grin you hand him his order (cinnamon roll obviously included). "Enjoy the usual, Charlie."

"I will," he says before walking towards the seat closest to you- right by one of the bookcase walls. He shoots you a wink as he sits down and pulls out his laptop as always, forcing you to look away before your expression snitches on your flustered state.

It's quiet for a few minutes, excluding the soft mumbling from customers who came in groups. It's generally just a good day today.

The sound of the door's bell pierces through the peaceful quiet.

In walks a man, simply dressed in a black hoodie, cargo-ish pants, a jean jacket and a beanie to boot. You're already wondering how he isn't sweating his ass off, and if he isn't an asshole you might even be able to ask.

He's also tall— almost as tall as Charlie, off by a few centimetres. You'd only notice the height difference if they stood next to each other, though, so 'tall' is more than enough of a description for him.

"Welcome to the Roasted Coven, what can I get you?"

The guy gives you a toothy grin, one hand is his pocket while the other fiddles with the keys in his hands. "I'm actually new to this place so, uh, a recommendation would be really appreciated," he chuckles out, blue eyes staring right at your face.

You can feel your face heat up a little at the intensity of it. He's just staring at you, grin smacked on his face like he's trying to flirt with you via facial expression.

"Do you mind consuming alcohol in the afternoon?" He laughs at that, eyes crinkling in a way that makes you notice the fact that one of his eyes closes more than the other. "I didn't think today would be the day a cute barista asks me if I'm a day drinker, but no, I don't mind. Don't wanna get shitfaced, though," he says, grin widening at your facial reaction to his now audible flirting.

Charlie's going to kill this guy.

Okay, woah, that's a bit extreme. He looks down at the cinnamon roll that's started falling apart in his angry clutches, ears burning up as he overhears you talking to that guy-

No, not that guy.

Bill fucking Hader.

Why the fuck is he even here, and why the fuck is he flirting with you? What if you weren't single? Then Hader would be a total ass for hitting on you like that, but it's like he doesn't care. Charlie cares though. He cares a fuck ton more than stupid Bill Hader.

"Alright! Well, you definitely look like an Irish coffee guy. It's espresso, whiskey and whipped cream— definitely something someone with your kinda stubble needs," you tease, already preparing the coffee for him.

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