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Elia blinked. He'd been thinking about him again. It had happened a lot lately. It was as though there was a familiar pull, though this was the first time he had felt that pull lead him to another person.... but that was impossible. Someday maybe... maybe... he couldn't even remember how long it had been.

He glanced at the one beside him. Red hair framed a young freckled face on a lean frame that looked like it could use a little bit more weight. He didn't know what to say. Should he say thank you? He hadn't expected another wolf to even be there. Then he cocked his head ever so slightly. There was something about him. He felt so familiar. Even the sound of his voice was familiar, a comfort.

"What's your name?" He asked so tentatively, as though the answer would crush him if he was wrong even though he couldn't have known the what it would be.

"Ginger..." The one who spoke turned enough to look at him. His eyes were like the Caribbean Sea, almost too green to be called blue. Elia leaned in a little closer. He'd missed it before. Within the blue was a ring of soft brown, warm and rich. It was the same color. That color was like the one he'd meant to know. There was a momentary flash of light that illuminated that ring of color. Elia was sure, somehow it was him. Somehow this person was the person who was free even though they would say their heart belonged to him. It had been that heart that had stopped. Elia squinted, trying to place his memory of the one he'd spoken to once, onto the one before him and he only became more sure. "What's your name, hmmm?"

"Elia." Elia blinked as Ginger turned away. Maybe... maybe he was wrong. Then he watched as Ginger's fingers rose and covered his lips, as though he were remembering something that there was no way he could know.

"Elia... Elia..." Ginger's voice was soft, lost, and trembled ever so slightly. "Elia, I'm glad that I found you."

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