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"Was that her...?"

"Looking at Jake's expression,... it must be her,"

"I'm sure it was her, I asked for her name earlier,..."

"She didn't looked well,"

"You noticed that too?"

"She seemed to have trouble breathing..."

"I hope she's doing well now,..."

"Let's pray for our ENGENES to stay safe and recover from their sickness,"

"Jungwon's right,... Let's hurry and find Jake now,"

The members gathered backstage and went searching for me through the dark hallways while calling for my name.

"Jake hyung!!"

"Jake!! Where are you?!"

Their exclamations travelled past each and every shadow and echoed around my ears, making my body shiver in cold as I continued to run nonstop towards the exit.

Park Haein...

Please tell me what's going on...

Are you not feeling well...?

Are you sick...?

"Jake!!" I turned my head to see Sunghoon running towards me and panting heavily.

"Hey,... don't worry,...

She's gonna be alright," He patted my back and let out a huge sigh as he looked into my sour expression.


How do you expect me to not worry...?

She fainted...


Fainted right in front of me!!" Resentment was pouring through my blood rapidly as I yelled through the air and shoved my face into my hands, covering the messy look.

"If only,...

If only I had a chance to talk to her,...

To ask her what's wrong..." Tiny droplets of tears were rolling down my face like a gentle waterfall.

It was as though I had no rights to control my emotions, it was as though everything was mixed up.

Everything, including my mind and thoughts were crumbled into a small ball of paper and then cruelly squashed and torn into a million pieces of white dust.

"No matter if it was only a 30 second chance,...

I just want to look at her face clearly for once,...

Just to see if she ever remembers me,...

The one who gave her the ticket when she's all alone at the train station,..."

"Jake..." Sunghoon looked at me and turned to the floor while thinking of something that could calm me down.


I'm sorry for yelling..." I stood up and left him alone while heading towards the door.


Why don't you tell me about your sickness...?

Why don't you know how to take care of yourself?


Why did you still go somewhere that will worsen your condition...?

Why are you still so selfless?

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