I was at my house preparing to go to the village to sell some coal like I always do. I was talking with my mother and... Let's start....
Okay mom I'll be back safe I promise i said while smiling. Okay dear I trust you my mom said while cleaning my face with a white cloth. When she was done I was about to go to the village when my too younger siblings went to me and said.. we wanna go with you tanjiro said Hanako and shigeru. I said sor- before being interrupted by my mother saying. If you guys get tried you know tanjiro can't carry both of guys. Oh I better get going bye guys I said and they all said love you dear/onii-chan and make sure you get back safe. Okay I promise to get back safe and love you too! I said before leaving to the village..
it's getting alittle dark I should get back home early since me and takeo will go and cut some trees when I go back i thought to myself and went running down to my house but when I arrive I saw... A man I couldn't see clearly but I could see his curly black hair, and sharp, almond-shaped eyes. His pupils are vertical, like those of a cat, and colored plum red. He also possesses sharp, blue nails on his hands. I was scared but I could see that he was wearing a white fedora with a red ribbon and. The outfit consisted of an embroidered black tuxedo and a white tie over a black dress shirt and white dress pants. But I could that he was holding something I couldn't see it very well but I saw black hair a girl wearing a pink kimono and then it hits me... That WAS NEZUKO! HE WAS HOLDING!! but he doesn't smell like a human.. he smelled like a creature... He didn't notice me yet so I shouted HEY LET GO OF MY SISTER!he dropped nezuko and turned around to see who said that and then he disappeared and then with a blink of an eye he was hold me! And told me Who are you boy telling me what to do! I say Please Stop Don't hurt my sister! I'll do anything! I was crying and then the man putted his finger on my forehead and then it went black
This is the end of chapter one I'm still mad about what happened 🙃 and sorry if it's cringe idk?babyeee
少し暗くなってきたので早く帰らなきゃいけないので、帰ってくるとタケオが行って木を切ってしまうので、思って家に駆け寄りましたが、到着すると...はっきりとは見えなかったが、黒い巻き毛と鋭いアーモンドの形をした目は見えた。彼の瞳孔は猫の瞳孔のように垂直で、梅の赤に着色されています。彼はまた鋭い青い爪を持っていますはっきりとは見えなかったが、黒い巻き毛と鋭いアーモンドの形をした目は見えた。彼の瞳孔は猫の瞳孔のように垂直であり、彼も所有している色付きです 彼の手に鋭い青い爪。怖かったのですが、彼が白いフェドーラ帽と赤いリボンをかぶっていたのがわかりました。衣装は、刺繍された黒いタキシードと黒い上に白いネクタイで構成されていました ドレスシャツと白いドレスパンツ。でも、よく見えないものを持っていたのかもしれませんが、ピンクの着物を着た女の子の黒髪が当たって...あれはねずこ! それはネズコでした!彼は持っていた!でも人間の匂いはしません...生き物の匂いがしました...まだ気づかなかったので「HEYLETGO OF MYSISTER」と叫びました! !ネズコを落とし、振り返って誰が言ったのか見てみると姿を消し、瞬く間に私を抱きしめた!そして、私に何をすべきかを教えてくれるあなたの男の子は誰ですか!やめてください 妹を傷つけないで!なんでもする!私が泣いていたので、男が私の額に指を置いたところ、真っ黒になりました。 これで第1章の終わりです私はまだ何が起こったのか怒っています🙃そしてそれがクリンジidkであるなら申し訳ありませんか?babyeee。
Words 1 1 2 5.
G u y s!!!! I just realized that some of my japanese words aren't really correct since I was rushing it because I had to go to sleep early so I will go to school/online school tomorrow 😭😭 and my keyboard ain't really a correct one and I was drawing it out cuz I have one of those keyboard that you can draw on and now I JUST FUDGING realized that I could use Google translate i forgot that was a thing AHH I was giving myself a hard time this WHOLE TIMEE LIKE SERIOUSLY彼ら!!!!早めに寝なければならなかったので急いでいたので、日本語の単語のいくつかが本当に正しくないことに気づきました。明日学校/オンライン学校に行きます😭😭そして私のキーボードは本当に正しいものではありません。私はあなたが描くことができるそれらのキーボードの1つを持っているのでそれを引き出していましたそして今私はちょうどFUDGINGは私がGoogle翻訳を使うことができることに気づきました