Chapter 7

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I'm happy, you want to know why I'm happy, well because I think Belle likes me. Whenever I look at her she blushes.

"Jack!" Tooth yelled.

"Huh, what," I said.

"Are you paying attention Jack?" North said.

"Well, um,"

"If you were paying attention, you would know we're going to Tooth's Palace." North said.

"I want to come," Belle asked.

"Are you sure?" Bunny asked.

"Of course, please dad." She started begging.

"Oh, alright, to the sleigh!" North said. Wait the sleigh!

We walked through the workshop to get to North's sleigh.

"No way am I going on a dumb, old sleigh..." Wow. His sleigh looked pretty cool.

"Okay, but just one ride." I said. I helped Belle get on the sleigh, she smiled at me, and I smiled back. I stood up next to her.

"Um, I think my tunnels are safer mate," Bunny said, what a wimp.

"Nope, we go on the sleigh," North said.

Tooth and Sandy jumped in the sleigh.

"Here we go!" North yelled out.

North was driving the sleigh at probably 100 miles per hour. Bunny was scratching his claws on the sides of the sleigh. I was still standing up enjoying the wind hitting my face. I looked at Belle and she was enjoying it too.

"I hope you like the loop de loops," North said.

"I hope you like carrots," Ew Bunny.

Can you believe HE'S a guardian.

North threw a magic snowglobe and a portal opened. We reached Tooth's Palace. It was amazing.

"Nice huh?" Belle said.

"Yeah, it's amazing," I answered back.

"That's what I said the first time I came here," She smiled, I smiled back, then she blushed. She looks cute when she blushes.

"Oh no!"

We both turned around to see who said it, it was Tooth.

"What's wrong?" Belle asked.

"All the teeth are missing," She said sadly.

"Who would do this?" I asked.

"Who do you think?" We heard someone say.

"Pitch." Bunny said.

"Yes, it is I." Pitch said.

"What do you want?" North asked.

"Oh North, you know exactly what I want." Pitch replied.

"What do you mean?" North asked.

"I want to see what happens when you tell your daughter. You know, cause you never told her." He said evilly.

"Tell me what?" Belle asked. I didn't even know what Pitch was talking about.

"Go ahead, tell her." Pitch said.

Belle was confused, and so was I, what were they talking about?

Bunny, Tooth, and Sandy all looked at North. I think they know too.

Then North began to speak.

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