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"heya, stranger," a voice calls from behind, making akaashi jump. he turns towards the voice and sighs once he sees that it's his roommate, suna.

"you scared me," akaashi says, putting a hand over his chest. suna laughs and puts an arm around akaashi's shoulders.

"my bad, didn't mean to. can i see your schedule?" akaashi hums and takes his phone out and goes to his camera roll, clicking on a picture of his schedule and showing it to suna who looks over it. "we have the same second, fourth, and fifth hour. your other classes are near mine so i can take you to them if you want."

"yeah, sure. that would be great," akaashi smiles, suna smiling in return.

"oh! also, your classes won't be that big. the most kids that'll be in your class would be about ten to 15."

"why are the classes so small?"

"they used to be bigger in my first year here. it used to be the usual class size of 30 kids. but, after an... incident broke out, they shrunk it."

"an incident? what happened?"

"here's your first class!" suna erupts, quickly trying to change the subject. "i'll see you in second hour, later!" he rushes off into the crowded hallway, leaving akaashi dumbfounded.

"did i.. say something wrong?" akaashi feels a little guilty about suna's sudden outburst, like he was resurfacing bad memories from his first year. he shrugs it off and turns towards the door, opening it and immediately ducking from a fireball that hit the wall instead of him. close call.

he returns his attention to the classroom only to see it being filled with kids playing with their elements. lucky them. he groans and rolls his eyes until he hears a familiar voice call his name. "kaashiii!"

akaashi walks into the class and shuts the door, walking towards the desks and up the stairs to the very back row. "oh, hey, mina. nice to see a familiar face."

mina laughs and nudges his arm. "same here. this class is filled with elements and i'd hate to be the only one here without one."

"you ever wonder what it would be like if we had an element?"

"well, duh, all the time. if i did have an element, i'd want some type of time or air element. what about you? what element would you want?"

"surprisingly, i haven't thought much about it. but if i had to choose now, i'd want an ice element."

"really? you seem more of a light element."

"just because i'm nice, doesn't mean a light element would fit me."

"who said anything about you being nice? you're a menace," mina said, the both of them laughing. "i only said light because you look all bubbly."

"depending on the mood i'm in, i can be all bubbly."

nobody pays attention as the professor walks into the class, almost hitting him with an ice bolt. their attention was caught, however, after the professor uses his earth element and makes a miniature earthquake that causes no real damage.

"great, now that i have your attention," the students are still shaken (pun not intended) from the earthquake so they definitely pay attention. "let's start with introductions since i have a small class. any introverts?" four students raise their hand. "then you don't have to publicly introduce yourself."

those four sigh to themselves and sit back to watch the others introduce. "i guess i'll start," a black haired student says, standing up from their seat. "megumi fushiguro, an earth element." then he sat back down.

"isn't that dori's roommate?" akaashi whispers, leaning over to mina's seat.

"i think so. he's kinda cute," she whispers back, akaashi rolling his eyes at her.

a blond student stands up with their hands in their pockets. "katsuki bakugo, fire." he sat back down with a scowl so deep it looks like it could burn a hole through the back of your head.

"your element isn't the only thing that's fire," a green haired boy says, the blond turning to look at him with that scowl.

"what did you just say?"

"you heard me. i said your element isn't the only thing that's fire," he repeats smugly, his arms crossed over his chest as the small group around him snickers. "oh, my bad. in case you don't know what i meant, i mean your attitude is an explosive piece of shit that's only good for getting you in trouble."

bakugo stands up from his seat and walks up the stairs to the green haired boy's row, pushing past his group to get to the middle where he is. "you wanna try saying that again, deku?" he balls his hand into a fist and it starts smoking. deku scoffs and stands up, hands in his pockets, turning towards bakugo with a smirk.

"i would love to try again, kacchan," deku responds, thunderclouds forming above his head as his smirk turns to a threatening smile.

"whoa.. a fire versus a thunder element? this is an unfair fight," a student says, the others murmuring their opinions.

"i wouldn't doubt katsuki. he can make his fire element a lot more than what you see now," one of bakugo's friends say.

"really? you think little miss pillow princess here is a match for izuku? give your hopes up now, wannabes, he's getting stomped on," one of deku's friends says. bakugo snaps his attention to the friend, them slightly flinching in response. he grabs the collar of their uniform and smoke slowly rises from it.

"'pillow princess'?" bakugo repeats lowly, glaring at the friend who gulps. "the next time you decide to shit on what i can do, and use some stupid ass nickname, this shirt will be replaced by your fucking neck." he pushes the boy back in his chair and he frantically fans his slightly burnt shirt.

"empty threats? is that the best you can do, kacchan?" deku's eyes lighten like he's come to a realization. "oh, don't tell me. are you trying to make a sequel to that incident last year?"

"don't ever compare me to that double element freak, you hear?" bakugo says, pointing his finger in deku's chest.

"or what? you'll do something?" deku presses, an amused smile on his face. bakugo only glares before walking away and back down to his row.

"holy shit, that was intense," akaashi says quietly, loud enough so mina could hear him.

"right? it was so intense that that bakugo dude heated the room up. i'm sweating bullets." akaashi peeks over at mina and hisses. "what?"

"yeah, something definitely went on—" he circled his palm around mina— "here. your mascara is dripping down your face."

"WHAT?!" mina yells, akaashi flinching and turning to face the wall with his hand covering his face as the class turns to look at mina. "don't look at me, my mascara's running!" mina ducks her head down as some of the girls laugh, a girl sitting next to her offering to redo her mascara. "you're a lifesaver."


and so the tragic incident of last year appears

a double element user caused it. do you know what happened? lol no. but do i know? hell yeah get L'ed


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