Our Time is Now, Yours is Ending

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Authors Thought:

Hello dear readers, back again with a long one, as I'm exploring a lot of different POV's in this story, which has been pretty awesome to write. Though I hope I capture some new personalities like they were in the show, with a little of my own touch.

Thank you again for taking some time out of your day to read my story, and I will see you sometime soon for another chapter as we press forward.


Several days later...

Another beautiful day was rising up over the capital city of Tokyo, its residents were going about their days with joy in their hearts for the plans they had to enjoy this warm spring air, out with their friends or love ones. Though many were getting huddled around T.V's, whether at home, diners, or local bars, to watch the coming days Sensha-do Match between BC Freedom Academy and Bonple High School

However, the feeling of this pleasantness, for such a gorgeous day, couldn't be matched by the solemn mood inside Director Kodama's office, at the Sensha-do's Federation Headquarters located in the capital of Japan, as said director was just finishing laying out the last terms for punishment for the Chi-Ha-Tan Sensha-do commander and sub commander.

"Miss Nishizumi and Miss Nishi, are we clear on the terms for punishment for your team?" Director Kodama ask, seated in his office chair, looking to the two with a neutral expression.

The Commander and Subcommander of Chi-Ha-Tan's tankery team stood next to each other facing the director's desk. They each were a bit dumbstruck at the moment, having heard the terms of punishment for their team, and couldn't quite fathom, how to cope with it. Though who can blame them, when their team was going to be cripple for the next match, with another tough foe on the horizon.

"Yes, we are in agreement," Nishi said, doing her best to be hers and Miho's voice, as the Chi-Ha-Tan commander was still silent processing everything.

"Miss Nishizumi, is there something you find disagreeable with this?" Ami Chono ask, who was standing next to the director's desk, with her arms folded behind her.

"No, it's more than fair, considering how much we put my friend Ikeda's life in danger, though I still feel I should take the main blame for what happen," Miho said timidly.

"The Federation board members wanted to go that route, luckily Mister Hidemichi and I were able to talk them into this alternative," Director Kodama said, then nodded to the Chi-Ha-Tan Academy headmaster who was standing next to his students.

"Thanks for indulging an old man, Mister Kodama," Headmaster Hidemichi said with a smirk.

Kodama just nodded to the Chi-Ha-Tan headmaster, with who he was also good friends. "Alright with that unpleasantness out of the way. Let me congratulate you on a splendid victory, Miss Nishizumi."

The sudden change in mood surprised Miho, but she bow with respect to the director. "Thank you very much, know I won't let what happen in the last match ever happen again."

"As angry as I was about the whole ordeal, part of me understands why your team did what they did. I was once quite reckless in my youth as well, till your mother straighten me out," Ami Chono said, with a smirk now, letting go of the stoic face she had put on earlier.

"Oh, yes my mother always talked very highly of you, Miss Chono," Miho said, as she raise her head.

"Ah, I'm glad. She was the one to help me reach my dreams of joining the army as an actual tank commander, she is really an inspiration for me even today," Chono said happily.

The Tigers of Chi-Ha-Tan ReRise Volume 3: The Tigresses TrialWhere stories live. Discover now