--- 3rd person pov ---

They pulled up to a place called "Kobayashi's", and it was much fancier than Bokuto expected.

People inside were wearing suits and dresses and (probably) expensive accessories. Bokuto didn't really want to go in after seeing how underdressed he was, but Akaashi pushed him along anyway.

"Hello, please allow me to get your seats." The waiter got the couple's chairs, pulling out a notepad when they were settled. "What may I get you fine gentlemen?" He said, eyeing Bokuto. He squirmed around in his seat, looking at Akaashi to order for the both of them.

"Two plates of crab, please."

"Very well. In the meantime, would either of you be interested in a cigar?"

Bokuto's eyes widened. Not at the crab - their wallets would suffer later. No, he was anxious for his partner's answer. He glanced at him across the table with hopeful eyes.

"Ah... no, thank you."

"Very well then, sir. Your food will get here shortly."

As their waiter walked away to put in their orders, Bokuto hit Akaashi's shoulder, grasping his attention.

"Thank you, baby. I'm so proud of you."

"Yeah, yeah." He smirked.

Bokuto smirked and kissed the other's nose.


They sat in bed, cuddling each other. This was one of their best nights. Usually, they were either worn out from their day and went to bed, or bickered about Akaashi's addiction.

Why can't everyday be like this?

Bokuto laid on his boyfriend's chest. He could feel Akaashi's heartbeat race, and his breathing was a bit shaky, too.

"Baby, is something wrong?" Bokuto asked, his voice filled with concern.

Akaashi snuggled into Bokuto without a word, only making the other worry more.

Bokuto lifted his chin, looking him in the eyes. "Aggashi, talk to me. You know I'll always be here for you." His heart shattered when he saw a tear escape his boyfriend's eye.

"I f-feel like s-such a failure, Kotaro..." Akaashi stuttered, burrowing his face into his chest again. He held onto the other tightly, as if he would disappear if he let go.

"Akaashi... you aren't a failure. If it's because you smo-"

"Dammit, not everything's about that..." He sniffed, wiping his eyes. "I feel like such a disappointment for my boyfriend. I never do anything for you. Yeah, I took you out today, but otherwise, I don't do shit! Why're you even dating me? Do you even love m-"

"Keiji, enough!" Bokuto shouted. "I love you so, so, so much. You don't even know how much I love you. It hurts to hear you talk about yourself like that, mostly because it isn't true. You're my favorite person in this shitty world, and you make it less shitty each passing second just by being here next to me. I can't even imagine life without you."

Bokuto was crying now as well, resulting both of them to be teary-eyed messes. After going back and forth about who was right and who was wrong for god knows how long, they both cracked down and decided that they should sleep.


--- Akaashi's pov ---

I made sure he was asleep before sneaking out of bed. Guilt followed me with every step I took down the stairs.




Guilt, guilt, guilt.

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