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My eyes adjusted to see a beautiful woman, she had light pink hair and had a sword in her hands, that's the Niki girl, right?

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" She said as she rushed toward me, she took her sword and cut the thing that bounded my arms and legs to the bed.

"We need to get our of here." I responded with, she took my hands and rushed up the stairs with me, I saw clay holding something as we got to the front door. She fumbled with the door as Clay rushed to us, he quickly grabbed my hand and tried to pull me closer to him, Niki grabbed my other hand tighter and pulled the sword to Clay in a way to defend herself.

"You can't do this! I was so close, this is a misunderstanding!" He exclaimed, "Shut the fuck up, we'll talk later." She replied as she held me tightly. She quickly walked out with me and continued to hold me tight, for some reason there was a thick layer of snow covering the ground. When I originally got trapped there, dispite it being cold at night it was relatively not that cold durring the day. She continued to escort me to the community house, then took some turns to a beautifully built home. She finally spoke, "I didn't mean for this to be creepy, I'm here to help you. We need to figure out what happened." She looked into my eyes with a worried look, I stood quiet as she to on me into her house, someone was walking back and forth in a line, it was Karl. His head lifted quickly to look at me, he quickly ran to hug me. He held me and ran his hand up and down my back slowly comforting. He released to look at me, he was crying.

His dried tears left a slight stain on his cheeks, "I thought I'd never see you again." he spoke quickly. We soon sat down on the couch, all the memories flooded my mind, "Sapnap and George are dead." I spoke looking down in my lap, tears flooded out since I was hit by the truth. "What do you mean, what happened?" Niki asked frantically her words jumbled as she soon started to freak out. "M- Me and Quackity were going to George's house to do something,, and- and I checked upstairs, George was dead on the floor and Sapnap was stuffed in the closet. That was before I heard,, Quackity shou-" I stopped in the middle of my words, a sudden realisation drowned me. "Where's Quackity." I asked, shaking as I realized Quackity might as well be dead.

Niki said something that made my mind a little at ease, "Quackity was the one who told us about everything, he woke up in the middle of nowhere and you weren't there." I quickly got up from the seat, "I need to go," and left without any more questions. I started practicing running to my house.

Thoughts rushed my mind, but slipped as fast as they came.

Finally without any stops I made this to my house, quickly opening my door and seeing a fuck load of mail in front of my door. I didn't care, I didn't care at all, I rushed into the kitchen and I took a knife then ran back out the door. Karl was there, he looked confused as anyone would be in this situation, "Karl, I need to do something, I love you!" I said, a smile plastered on my face. I ran off, this was insane, but honestly I'm curious about some things. That had to be a joke, right? Was that real? Are George and Sapnap really dead? Everything flooded my mind at once, I couldn't focus on anything but my thoughts and the path I'm running on.

After awhile I made it to the horrific place, Clay's house. I knocked and waited for a bit, Clay swinged open the door and his eyes practically lit up. It made my stomach turn. He looked down and analyzed me, the knife was in my hoodie pocket. "Y/n, we need to talk." He quickly said, rushing though his words like an excited puppy. "Explain yourself," I responded unamused. He rambled on and on, "You know I love you, you must love me too, right? Considering the fact you're here after I kidnapped you. You finally realized I was the one for you! You love me like I love you, and now we can be together forever!!" exitement and pure joy on his face as he spoke. "I don't love you, Clay." I finally said, he stopped and looked deeper into my eyes. At this point, he was inside his house at the doorway and I was outside the doorway, outside. He stepped closer to me, "You don't mean that,, come on I know you love me..!" I backed away and distanced myself from the insane man.

I repeated myself, "I don't love you, Clay." he stood there in silence. "But,, we're soulmates..! The night we met I was watching you and- and-" My stomach turned and I looked at him with a horrific expression on my face, "What the fuck did you do that night..?" I expected for the worse as he spoke, "I couldn't contain myself,,! You were the one for me, I've been watching you but I hadn't seen you that close before. I touched your face while you were sleeping,, you looked so cute." A desperate expression covered his face as he tried to step closer, I felt sick to my stomach. As if I was about to throw up, someone at the time that I trusted did something while I was the most obvious. I held the knife I  my pocket with my spare hand, I felt someone behind me, but I was too scared to take my eyes off of Clay.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.



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