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The sun was beating hard. Harder than Nieana ever felt on her already caramel skin.  If she focused enough she could feel her skin burning under the rays of what could only be midday on a planet unknown. 

This could not be Valyria. There were no desserts on Valyria, only lush greens and oceans the deepest blues. The only sands were on the beaches, and those never went on past a kilometer off shore. As Nieana looked around all she could see was sand. The dessert going on with no end in sight. She looked down noticing her body barely covered by the remanence of white cotton dress. "How strange" she thought. 

Where could she possibly be? How did she get to this strange place? Bright beige stretched on for all of what her eyes could see. Even the skies were the same colour only brightened by the white light of the planet's star.  

Anxiety suddenly started to creep through her body. An unnerving tingle of panic and dread flowed through her vein, feeling heavier in her heart. 

The ground started to rattle and the sand began to hiss. Danger, she sensed but from where?There was nothing or no one in sight. Only sand and the blistering sun.     

The rattling became furious. It was like the ground underneath her feet was collapsing from under her. "Nieana" she heard a male voice call. She looked down. The last thing she saw was a black hole with razor sharp teeth before she fell into the creatures mouth. 

Nieana woke up with a panic. Jolting right up she clasped her rapidly beating heart as if the force only could calm her nerves. She panted frantically as she tried to steady herself. 

She looked around. She was home she instantly realized. It was all just a dream. She looked around at the familiar room. Her room. Nieana looked out the window. The skies were blue, she was safe she thought. 

Before she got more time to put her thoughts together her bedroom door opened. "Princess, good you are awake" said a short blonde hair woman walking towards her. "Their royal highnesses require your presence for breakfast, come on we have no time to waste" continued the kind eyed servant. 

"Good morning, Elia. Do you know why?" questioned Nieana as she got out of her bed and made her way to her vanity. 

"They never said, your highness" replied Elia as she frantically prepared the princesses clothing for the day. 

Silence fell before the two women as Nieana got ready for the day. She was too lost in thoughts of her dreams to pay attention to the preparations. 

By the time she was dressed and ready, the haze seem to have lifted from the princess. She made her way to her parent's breakfast room. Usually she would eat by herself in the mornings, it was only on occasion would her royal parents invite her to break their fast.  

The door to the dining room opened before her by two uniformed guards. The room was large, decorated by large windows and white patterned columns. In the middle of the room sat a large wooden table. Seated at the head of the table was Nieana's mother, to her left Nieana's father sat. 

"Mother, Father. Good morning" Nieana greeting as she bowed and made her way to sit on her mother's right side across from her father. 

"Nieana, my love" smiled her father greeting his eldest daughter. 

"Good morning" said the Grand Princess regally watching her daughter sit down. Nieana's mother, Grand Princess Marium Corrino was a force to be reckoned with. Sister to the Emperor himself, the Grand Princess never bowed to anyone. Not even her Ducal Husband, Darion Valyrion, who willingly gave his wife control of the planet Valyria to appease her power hungry heart and as a show of his love and devotion. 

"Did you sleep well, Nieana?" asked the Duke.  

"Well enough" answered Nieana, not trying to look weak as she filled her plate with fruits. 

"That's good" said her mother, smiling at the girl. "Today will be a busy day" she continued. 

"Why is that?" Nieana asked her parents. 

The Grand Princess and Duke shared a look of unease. "Duke Leto of Caladan has made an alliance with us. He feels my brother is growing jealous of him and wishes that in allying himself with us, our name will protect him from Shaddam's jealously."said her mother.

"What do we get?" asked Nieana inquisitively. 

"Leto has the best military in the universe. He will send his best men to train ours and if it comes to it he will fight for us" replied her father with sad eyes. 

"But why do we need him? Our army is already strong enough and if anything Uncle will surely send his Sardaukar" questioned the girl.  

"My brother is growing unstably. He sees enemies in every corner. In these times I'm afraid one can never be too safe" answer Marium. 

Nieana looked at both of her parents intensely, trying to study them. She processed this information before asking the question that was long overdue.

"What part do I play in this?" Nieana asked, already guessing the answer. 

Her mother shallowed noticeably. Dorian grabbed her hand reassuringly. 

"You will marry the duke's son and secure our alliance" said her father.


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