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Caladan was colder than Valyria. From all her travels across her home planet, Nieana was not used to this type of climate. Valyria was topical, filled with rainforests and crystal sand beaches. Caladan on the other hand held its own beauty. The planet had a strange moistness in the air that she was not used to. The skies had a more grey hue than that of Valyria. The tall mountains  and glens was what first caught her eyes. She knew from her readings this planet was filled forest and moorlands, with waters that meet the land with highly indented coastlines. "Different but beautiful" Nieana thought again. 

The Valyrian royal family and their entourage made their way to Castle Caladan. They had just existed the ship and were walking along a carpet that lead the way to the Grand Castle. They were greeted by Thufir Hawat, the universally renowned Mentat that was in the Atreides service for three generations now. He made conversation with the Grand Princess and her Duke husband. Nieana was not listening, she was too caught up in admiring her new home. 

Nieana looked up and admired the approaching Castle. The castle was the same colour of the rocky mountains which surrounded it. It was not as big as her former home but it, just like the rest of Caladan, was a natural piece of art. 

By the entrance of the castle stood Duke Leto and his companions. Nieana has seen pictures of him, making him easy to recognize. He was just as she had expected, handsome and held himself in a fashion which proved he was a born leader. Surrounding him was a strikingly beautiful woman who must be his concubine, Lady Jessica, as well as a handsome boy with shoulder length hair and guards who stood around them. 

The boy was observing the scene around him. Taking in the new faces. Once they royal entourage was near he focused his eyes on the black hair young princess. "She's the girl in my dreams" he thought not taking his eyes off her. He took in her all too familiar black wavy hair and skin the colour of milky coffee. He tried to make contact with her chocolate brown eyes but the young princess was too distracted by the current scene playing out in front of them to notice him. 

"Princess Marium, Duke Darian. It is a pleasure to finally welcome you to my home" said Duke Leto as he approached the royal couple. He bowed to Marium and kissed her hand before turning to the Duke and shaking hands. 

"My old friend" greeted Darion with a large smile gracing his dark and handsome face. 

"Please let me introduce you to my love, the Lady Jessica" said Leto as he usher Jessica forward. 

"Your highness, your grace. Welcome to Caladan, it is such a comfort to  finally be able to put faces behind your letters" said the bene gesserit bowing to her guest, giving them the respect societal formalities entailed. 

"And my son Paul" introduced the duke. Paul's eye left Nieana for the first time since noticing her. He bowed to the royal couple.

"Let me introduce you all to my daughter, Princess Nieana" said Duke Darian signalling the young girl to step forward. She abided by her father's wish. 

She gave a customary bow to the Duke and his lady. "It is lovely to meet your acquaintance, my lord and my lady" smiled the princess prettily as rehearsed.       

Sensing it was his time to step in Paul moved forward and reached out for Nieana's hand. She gave it to him as customary and met his eyes. 

"Welcome to Caladan, princess" he said kissing her hand. He then stood up straight still maintaining eye contact . "It is a pleasure to finally meet you" he continued finally letting go of her hand. 

"The pleasure is all mine, my lord" Nieana said as a slight blush creeped up her face. 

"Please call me Paul" the boy smiled lightly. 

"Then you must call me Nieana"

The pair still never broke eye contact. 

"Come, you must be tired from your travels. Let me show you to your rooms" said Lady Jessica. And with that they made their way into Castle Caladan.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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