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An F?! But I studied for this! Ugh! Mom's gonna be so mad. "Ms. Tina?"

"Yes Finn," my teacher said softly, "do you have a question?"

"Actually I do, you see I studied for this test and I don't exactly understand how I could've gotten an F."

"Well this was a twenty-five question quiz and you got one wrong on it so I gave you an F."


"Because if you going to get an A you need a hundred percents." And thats why this teacher needs freaking therapy and also why I hate her. I've got enough problems with my mom's anger issues. What can I say, it's the last class of the day.

"Class dismissed!" The bell rang and I hurried my way out of her class. I rode the bus home alone today. My friend wasn't on the bus today. Probably sick. He went home early yesterday due to a headache.

When my stop came I walked to my house a block down from it. After my homework I decided to show Mom my quiz.

Terrible, terrible idea. I should have kept this to myself.

"You got an F?" She asked me with an angered face.

"Mom it wasn't my fault, the teacher said I got one question wrong and gave me an F!" She didn't buy it.

"You dirty lier! You dirty ass LIER!! Before I knew I was hit in the face with the back of her hand. It almost knocked me unconscious. I fell to the ground. "Go to your room. No dinner. NOW!"

Now my face was stinging and my head hurting like hell. This is the sixth time in two days I've gotten hit by Mom. Ever since dad died she's been pretty abusive.

Nothing I can do. Unless I make a run for it. I have a pretty good reason, she's hitting me for an F on my science quiz.

With the thought in my head after thinking it through a couple times I pack a few pairs of clothes, blankets, and comfy pillows. I waited till my Mom went to bed all camping tent out of the garage.

I headed to the woods across the street from my house with my bag and the folded up tent in my hands. It's so windy.

Soon after an hour or two of searching for a spot to set up I found a river and settled near that. After I got the tent set up I climbed inside and called it a night.

Welcome to your new life Finn I thought to myself and drifted asleep to the sound of rushing water.

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