rokila part 2

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credit goes to rokila on AO3

Glancing around the area, Druig took in the various piles of trinkets scattered around the room. It was a little odd that Makkari hadn't run up to him yet...maybe he had come while she was out?

"Makkari?" he called, even though he knew she would've already been able to sense the vibrations of him walking in so it was completely unnecessary. Hearing a small scuffle in a room a little farther down the hallway, he started to walk in that direction with a hint of urgency only to find her sitting curled up on the floor, her back against a wall and her knees drawn up to her chest. Stopping in his tracks for a brief moment out of shock, he was moving towards her in an instant once he saw the way she was ever-so-slightly shaking, his missing jacket draped over her shoulders. She signed without looking up, curling even tighter around herself.

Took you that long?

Druig knelt down in front of her on the floor and gently placed a hand on her arm, hanging his head in guilt. "'m so sorry beautiful."

He heard a tiny sniffle and felt a pit open in his stomach at the thought he might have caused this, pushing the person he cared about more than anyone else in the universe to tears.

I want to go home. Another sniffle, this one slightly louder. No one visits anymore. No one's heard from Ikaris in centuries, I don't even know if he's still alive. She looked up slightly but wouldn't look at him, his heart shattering inside of his chest as he saw her teary eyes and the slight tremble to her movements. I just want everything to go back to how it was. At least when the Deviants were around we were all together.

"I know darling, I wanna go home too," he murmured, "I'm sorry I can't make that happen for you." After a moment he moved again, slipping his hand gently under her chin and guiding her eyes up to his. "It'll happen someday. And if it doesn't...well I'll go up there and fight Arishem myself."

That earned him a tiny snort of almost-laugher and the start of a smile, which was more than enough to ease some of the pain inside of him.

You really shouldn't do that.

"No, maybe I shouldn't," he replied, smiling a little in spite of himself, "but I would if that's what it took for you to be happy." He reached up to wipe away the tear that had slid down her face just moments earlier, leaving it there to cup her cheek gently.

All it takes for me to be happy, she signed with a bit of a sad smile, bopping Druig's nose with her finger, Is you being here.

"Well 'm here now." She gave a tiny nod in reply, letting Druig slip his hand around the back of her head to gently press their foreheads together. He closed his eyes, just taking the moment to savor the precious contact with the girl he had missed so much. They stayed that way for nearly thirty seconds before Druig leaned back in order to scoot next to her and lean back against the wall, their shoulders touching. It only took a few seconds for Makkari to adjust to his presence, pushing herself as close up against his side as she could possibly get and nuzzling her head into his shoulder. Despite the many times they had been in contact with each other like this over the centuries, Druig couldn't help his breath being taken away in that moment. She was perfect, and so, so beautiful. Seeing her hand resting on the ground nearby, he took the moment to curl his pinky around hers, letting his head drop on top of hers and his eyes close. There was nothing in the universe he would trade this for.


With the way that time seemed to pass differently on the Domo, Druig had no clue how long they stayed leaning against each other like that. And he didn't really care, either. Eventually, Makkari made an exaggerated stretching motion and got up, pulling his jacket that had been wrapped around her shoulders on completely. She reached down to pull him up and he took it, glad to use any possible leverage to stand after sitting for so long.

He nodded towards the jacket with a smile, "It looks cute on you." Her smile widened considerably at his words and she did a little spin to show it off.

I might just have to keep it then. She added mischievously, her look changing to a more quizzical one after a moment when she saw Druig touching his pocket distractedly. What's in there?

"Oh-" he tried to hide his expression as he was caught off-guard by her question, not realizing he had been touching the box with the necklace he meant to give her. "I just brought a little somethin', as an apology for making you wait so long." Reaching into his other pocket he pulled out a couple of candy bars, knowing her affection for sweet things and junk food in general. Sure enough, her eyes lit up at the sight of them, even though she was perfectly capable of retrieving any kind of food from around the world in mere seconds.

He hoped that was enough to distract her from the fact that he had taken those out of a completely different pocket, at least. Watching her fondly as she got clear enjoyment from the candy, she caught his eye and tilted her head at him slightly.

What? Druig ducked his head, trying to hide his smile.

"Nothing. I wasn't even looking at you." She raised a doubtful eyebrow, but her playful smile stayed in place.

Let's go.

Go where? He signed back, prodding at her just for fun. He would go anywhere she wanted to.

You'll just have to see. She taunted back, tilting her chin up at him as she walked close.

Druig caved at the proximity, the inside of his chest softening along with his voice. "The only thing I have to see is your beautiful face, darling."

Let's go then, Loverboy. She held two fingers out for him to take and he did without hesitation, gazing into her eyes only a moment before they were moving and everything was a blur.

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