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When life was going in circles,

Perpetuating downward

I just wanted to stop,

I wanted to move forward.

But, the way I was going, things I was doing, were all but what I needed

Instead of escaping out i needed to look in

Life was piling on high,

Stress pushed to the limit,

Losses were maximised

In all directions

My heart was hit,

My soul was giving in.

There was nothing left to explore within.

Losing my mind

So from the world i started to hide

I found a way to connect to myself,

What what is provided as help from our universe itself.

It was the medium that started me on my journey

Taking me through phases.

Interesting that they varied so greatly, remaining very controlled and consistent in purpose and intention, without the substance ever changing..

Administration too, had variation. at one point the intensity got a little scary.

But, fear is not a given, 

it is a power created, 

not supportive but preventative from us attaining or even gaining knowledge regarding what is positive.

eliminate the fear, your mind and power become strong and clear

what I have learned through this path of exploring,

our world is not supposed to make sense right now.

life is not supposed to flow right now.

we are not cut to this cloth, 

blending and becoming is just something were not.

so not succeeding is not a failure of yours that needs correcting.

our world has been purposely infiltrated with the exact opposite of support,

chaotic destruction at all levels big and small,

at every point from cause of creation, to the effects events and outcomes that precede them all

chaos and destruction,

in our oblivion we allow our leaders to be villains.

backed by such high level of intelligence,

it not only reads but predicts thought and behaviour before we ever begin to choose either.

we are the game pieces to there tournament in the reach for dominance and world power.

we have become an extension of the machine that runs our world whether we are knowingly or ignorantly

doesn't change where you land until you step outside of the conformity.

dont fear saying what isn't agreed upon outlaid

dont wait for others to bring up the fact that logic isn't sound.

don't retract backwards when the cowards speak louder.

volume does not equate accuracy, it does the mere opposite. there is no need to scream when speaking about truth being seen.

there should be no anger evoked when there is no malicious intent behind words spoke.

tension rises when u threatened what's "right"

but its not right, its not even left. logic nor spirit exists in this present.

when u question, u are threatened, when you doubt, you are shunned and casted out. when you stand up, of you will be a mockery made up. jokes will then be made to stroke the egos of the ignorant pray. at that point nothing should you say

it is not necessary to go in to the detail of the intel you have collected along the way.

the seed has been planted, and any are welcome to the knowledge to be gained.

see its not about access or connections anymore.

we are in a period of awakening, not just because of media and interaction.

we are in an inately progressive time where we are receiving info directly to our main data centre in ourselves.

and this data, is more pure, genuine, and true than anything a book will tell you.

they come through the rays, when they do you will here words that someone may not usually say

explaining our situation here, as if they already know, and can light the better way.

do not ignore these who speak of this knowledge. they are brave to even speak it at all.

and it may test your current understanding. but it will save you from becoming a victim to it any longer with no risk for loss.

we are in the middle of a war right now. and our opponents dont even have to be on the battle field because they are battling from the comfort of their home with their controllers, watching their pawns kill each other all on our own. WAKE UP AND STOP THE MADNESS! power is only had when acknowledged and respected, with support by majority. change is coming more than it has already. so if your trying to hold on to old ways because its beyond you willing understanding, try again cus the ship is sailing and the change your headed towards is not gunna be conducive to your current living. n not an adjustment your going to like making. dnt be stubborn, regret will follow with the damage it accompanies.

egos take a break now, where were going you'll forget it, be mad u had it, but grateful for its ridding.

the universe is one giant living thing. operating on the grandest of scales, just as it does on smaller ones. An animal, a human, still complex as a concept. but look at a plant, it faces where it gains resources, no more or less than the bare basics. it will follow the sun, it will prepare leaves when rain is about to come. beneath all the variables that we can not predict, what can be guaranteed is the consistent need for continuous living. the constant requirements that do not cease. and the perpetuous cycle of retrieving these. which basic logic can deduce that what exists in tomorrow will always be a step ahead of where we are today, in the direction of progression, holding some form of what we need in our possession. that is a never wavering motive in our existence. we must not forget this when making our decisions. to hold on to where we are today, is like gripping on to a past that no longer benefits us in the same way. with knowledge and trust in this constant, is the same trust religions put in their gods to be there with protection. The comfort in the presence of support, with power to protect them . Welcome the better direction. holding that which is needed for positive progression. hesitation, and contemplation is understood during deliberation. but when we break ourselves down to the basics, and expand to encompass all around us, we can begin to transcend as a group without the fighting within ys

forgiveness will come with this brightness. lifeless is lightless, no life can survive this.

enlighten and highten. your body and soul are awaiting your alignment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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