Gabriel put his head in his hands as he watched as the human boy named Toby walked with his best friend William threw the schools court yard,
"How long do you stare at those...creatures" a voice came from beside Gabriel, it was his younger brother Zadkiel
"forever, they are so interesting," Zadkiel sat beside his brother and watched, trying to see what Gabriel thought was so interesting,
"they are foolish, and they make mistakes" Zadkiel said staring at the teenagers "unlike us, we nevver make mistakes".
"We never make mistakes because we never try new things" Gabriel sighed and didn't take his eye off of Toby,
"why does that one have two different colored eyes?" he asked
"William? he was born that way"
Zadkiel kept staring in disgust and in cerousity,
"this is boring! Wanna go bother Michael? or pick on Ulysuses?"
"no you go ahead"
"your not even paying attinion" he whined,
"if you don't wanna watch them than leave me be".
Zadkiel rolled his eyes and flew away to cause mayham without his older brother, it made Zadkiel feel something he has never felt before, jelously.