Chapter 2: The visitor

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It has been a couple days after the coronation of Kion and Rani becoming King and Queen of the Tree of Life and everything was peaceful. But one day... someone came.

Ullu's POV

I was just sitting on my branch at the entrance of the mountain pass, but then I heard someone yell out for help.

???: HELP!!!

I woke up to see a female lion running away from Mama Binturong, Makucha, Ora, and Chuluun.


The female lion was all cut up with blood coming down her body.

Me: I must warn the Lion guard and the Night Pride. [flies off]

Kion's POV

 I woke up to see Rani laying next to me. I smiled and then licked her cheek which made her wake up and smile at me.

Me: Good morning Rani.

Rani: Good morning Kion. 

Me: [gets up] I have a feeling today is going to be a great day.

Ullu: Kion, Rani!

Rani: [gets up] What is it Ullu?

Ullu: A female lion is getting attacked at the mountain pass! We need to help her.

Me: Alright, go get the Lion Guard and the Night Pride. [runs out off the tree]

Ullu: Yes Kion. [flies off]

Rani and I started to run to the mountain pass. It took us five minutes to get to the mountain pass and we saw the lion.


Makucha: Ah, well if it isn't Kion and Rani. Where are you're friends?

Rani: That doesn't matter, leave the lion alone!


Bunga: You'll regret it! [runs up and jumps] ZOKA ZAMA! [tackles Ora]

Me: Lion Guard, Night Pride, ATTACK!

Everyone: [runs to attack]

Besthe: QUIN DEKI VOCO! [hits Chuluun]

Baliyo: I got Mama Binturong. [tackles Mama Binturong]

Me: [slashes Makucha's face] Get out of her Makucha!

Makucha: You're gonna have to try harder! [Slashes my face]

Me: [falls down] 

Makucha then gets on me and he opened his mouth ready to bite my neck, but I quickly raised up my paw to stop him from biting my neck and he bit my arm.



I looked over to see Kion's arm in Makucha's mouth and I saw blood going down Kion's arm. I was the filled with rage seeing Makucha hurt Kion. Makucha dropped Kion's arm and opened his mouth to bite Kion again, and then I started to sprint at Makucha and I ran into him which made his body got slammed into the rocky wall.

Me: [looks at Kion and tears up] Kion are you ok? 

Kion: D-don't worry I-I-I'm fine. [tries to get up but falls back down] 

Me: [starts to cry] Kion just hold on, we will get you help.

Kion: Ok.

Me: [looks at Makucha] GET OUT OF HERE MAKUCHA!

Makucha: Alright fine. Let's go everyone! [runs off]


Makucha's army ran out of the mountain pass and then everyone looked at the lion that was attacked.

Me: [walks up to lion] Don't worry you're safe now, and are you ok?

???: I'm fine thank you.

Surak: No problem, and what is your name?

???: My name is Racheal. And is someone going to help that lion?

Everyone: [looks at Kion]

Bunga: Kion! [runs to Kion]

Me: [gasp] I forgot about Kion.

Everyone walks up to Kion to see him on the ground with blood on his right arm.

Nirmala: Come on let's heal him quick before he losses too much blood.

Surak: Ok, Baliyo help get Kion on my back.

Baliyo: Ok.

Baliyo helps Surak get Kion on his back. After Kion was on Surak back, Nirmala and Surak left to get Kion healed. When they left we all looked at Racheal who was standing behind us.

Me: Come with us.

Racheal: Ok.

We all walked to the Tree of Life entrance and showed Racheal the tree.

Racheal: Wow this place is amazing.

Me: That's right, welcome to the Tree of Life.  Come with us and you can get healed.

Racheal: Thank you so much.

Bunga: Your welcome.

We all walked to the tree where Kion was getting healed, I felt bad for him and wished that I got hurt instead of him. We all walked into the tree and saw Nirmala and Makini healing Kion

Makini: Don't worry Kion you are going to be ok.

Nirmala then put her paw on Kion's forehead and she closed her eyes and concentrated on healing Kion. The tree started to glow and Yellow lights went from the tree into Nirmala and into Kion's body and his bite marks started to go away and Kion's leg was healed.

Nirmala: His leg is healed but he needs to rest for his legs to be fully healed.

Me: Ok, thank you Nirmala.

Nirmala: Your welcome. [looks at Racheal] And now about you. 

Nirmala placed her paw on Racheal's forehead and the tree started to glow and the light went through Nirmala and into Racheal's body. Racheal's body began to heal and all the cuts started to disappear.

Racheal: Thank you.

Nirmala: No problem. You need to rest to be fully healed, ok.

Racheal: Alright, I'll rest. So how long can I stay here?

Me: As long as you want.

Racheal: Thank you Queen Rani. 

Me: No problem.

Racheal's POV

I walked out of the tree with Rani and we went to see if there was any place for me to rest.

Rani: We'll find a place for you to sleep Racheal even if it takes us all night.

Me: Thanks Rani, when you get back to Kion can you tell him that I said thanks as well.

Rani: Sure.

We have been walking around for five minutes and we found a place for me to sleep.

Me: This should be good, thanks.

Rani: No problem. [walks away]

Me: [sits down] That Kion he seems pretty cute, but Rani is with him and I think they like each other, I'll just have to break them up, and Kion will be mine. I could've handled those animals but of course that had to go for my arms, and also [attracts claws] I was only playing nice and they don't know that I will make everything feel like hell.

And that is the end of this chapter hope you enjoyed it! Bye! ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️!!!

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