찹타 ; spending some time tgt

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JN: noona. both of them are coming back.

JM: they r asking us to make their rooms huh?

JN: yeah...

HJ: I can help! i don't know who they are but you'll introduce me to them right In?

JN: yea ofc hyung.

JM: yall chill, imma go call some others and clean their room.

JN: got it noona.

Jamie left the two alone. Jeongin brought Hyunjin to HAN and Changbin's room. The two have been friends with jeongin since the youngest was born. There was a picture of him, changbin and han in the room. when they were in their 16s. Jeongin showed the older the picture.

JN: this is changbin hyung and this one's hannie hyung.

HJ: hannie? han? han jisung? must be a different one right?

JN: hyung? are you okay?

HJ: huh? huh ah yeah In. I'm alright. They look fun

JN: yes they are fun. but when both of them are angry, nth is impossible. they could even make the sky burn.

HJ: damn i should be cautious hehe. so only two of them stay in this room? why not in the room that's connected to your room?

JN: I used to live with them in this room. my bedroom used to be father's room. when father retired, i inherited this room. So they rearrange the beds in this room and made it a room for two!

HJ: it still doesn't answer my question bab- Innie. You could have stay in the connected room. why not?

JN: oh hyung i didn't know you were that dumb. I wanted to stay with my close friends so father allowed me to stay with them. the room connected to my current bedroom used to be his workspace where he plan things.

HJ: I seeeeee. ty for explaining sweet- oh btw, will it be okay if i call you pet names?

JN: like what?

HJ: sweetie, sweetheart, honey, darling, candy, baby and um like Innie.

JN: i am okay but um, don't call me darling and baby when we are in public hyung, i dont want people to misunderstand us.

HJ: yeah sure In.

JN: ngl you are the first one who call me In.

HJ: oh rlly? i just wanted to be unique.

JN: yeah yeah whatever. lets clean the bed first.

HJ: mhm. I'll go get a mop to clean the floor.

JN: and i'll get rid of the dust on the bed.

After separating their duties, both of them get to work. Jeongin clean the dust from the bed. Hyunjin mop the floor so it won't be dirty. While they were working, Jamie brought the pillows and blankets and placed them on the bed.

JM: we are done innie. I'll tell HyunA unnie to close the gates now. Let's go.

JN: okay.

Jeongin turned on the AC in the room and went out as he close the door. Hyunjin following him from behind. All three of them got out of the room to the habitat.

JM: Innie? Go rest now. It's 5:00PM. HyunA unnie will call you if dinner is ready. Don't stress too much about the incident too. Chan will handle it.

Jeongin just gave a nod and went into the main building.

JN: Why are you always following me hyung? You can just hang out yourself.

HJ: what am i suppose to do then? Seungmin already showed me around the habitat.

JN: oh..alr. you can take a rest now. We'll have dinner later.

HJ: what r you gon' do rn?

JN: some paper works and check the status of the animals.

HJ: Shall i help?

JN: mhm. Just follow me.

Hyunjin just followed the younger as he leads him to the office. Jeongin looked for the file on his desk and handed it to hyunjin once he found it.

HJ: what shall i do with these bby?

JN: you just need to read thru them properly and make sure every animals hear are okay.

HJ: How many animal are there here?

Hyunjin said, looking at the younger. Jeongin said nth and just eyed at the file. The older opened the file and looked the very first page.

HJ: Name: Si En, Age: 17....,

Hyunjin skim thru the paper until the bottom

HJ: 1 OUT OF 847 !? Are you really going to let me do this IN!?

Jeongin just took a deep breath.

JN: shut up hyung. This is the time that the birds go to bed. I'll just show you how it works.

Hyunjin apologized and lean beside jeongin who sat was sitting on his chair.

JN: Read these and if anyone of these have a health problem, remove the paper and attach it back to this file.

Jeongin gave hyunjin another empty file. He reminded the older to not just skim thru it and to make sure he doesn't leave any one.

HJ: someone will help me right? I don-

JN: seungminie hyung does this every Sunday. How could you not do these? He is the same age as you hyung don't be provoking. I was even about to do these myself.

HJ: then just do it yourself at the first place.

JN: will you check the trasportation papers and sign on it then?

HJ: h- huh? Ofc. Not. Where do i do these papers?

JN: anywhere.

Hyunjin grabbed a chair and settled on the same table jeongin was using.

JN: Hyun-

HJ: u said anywhere.

Jeongin rolled his eyes and kept on working on his own.

HJ: Cuteee

JN: wtf- yea okay. Just focus on ur work if you want to sleep.

Both of them focused on their work and at about 5:35 ish, jeongin finished his papers while hyunjin still had 50 more sheets to go thru. Jeongin looked at hyunjin then the papers. The older looked so serious but alluring at the same time. Jeongin took the file with the removed papers.

JN: There are only a few?

Hyunjin just hummed in response and continued. He rubbed his eyes which were getting blurry and cracked his neck. Jeongin glanced at hyunjin who was obviously tired.

JN: I'll help?

HJ: rlly?

JN: mhm. Hand me the rest.

Hyunjin happily handed jeongin as the younger did the rest. Hyunjin just sat down watching Jeongin's professionalism. After a few mins, the younger finished.

JN: ty.

HJ: what? Why?

JN: You must have been tired. Sry if i over-worked you on our first day.

HJ: "our"?

JN: your*

Hyunjin giggled at the shy fox. Not noticing that they were a lil bit too close to e/o.

H: dinner's rea-

The two turned their heads in sync to look at HyunA.

H: yea. Get a room or sumn. Anyway, Dinner's ready.

JN: noonaaaaaaa

HJ: comin' hehe

JN: hyung what the hack.

HJ: she is just kidding innie. Let's go.

JN: mkay...

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