Megami is a big Naruto fan, and when she ends up with Jashin one day, her great adventure begins.
Will she...
... change the future?
...Save lives? the love of her life?
...bully some people?
You will find out when you read the story.
I wro...
The training was long and hard. First I had to do running, push-ups and so on. As I hated sport and was not good at it at all, this alone took 10 years. After that it was time for chakra control, although it took me a while to get the hang of it, but it worked out in the end. After I had mastered this, all imaginable martial arts and fighting with all weapons came next. At the very end, Jashin taught me jutsus and how to control the powers of the eyes.
Now, after 60 years, the day had come when my father wanted to introduce me to the people.
Tired, I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 5:00 a.m. Theoretically I could have slept for another two hours, but I was too excited to go back to sleep. So I got up and got ready. Since today was my ~coronation~ I made myself especially beautiful.
I put my hair up:
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At first I didn't want to wear a dress, but after Dad made me, I put on a black dress:
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After I got ready, I went to my dad, who was already waiting for me in front of the throne room. Together we went inside. Inside there were about 10,000,000 demons and Jashinists gathered. We stood in front of the throne and Jashin began to speak " People we have gathered here today to celebrate the return of my daughter Megami. Treat her with the same respect as you would me. Now greet all Princess Megami! "
Now there was murmuring in the crowd and I could hear things like "She's supposed to be Jashin's daughter!?" or "She's much too weak, she can't even hurt a fly." Now my collar burst! How dare they? I am their princess and stronger than all of them! Well, I also have my weaknesses, but I won't reveal them. Nevertheless, they will see what they get out of their audacity! Apparently my dad sensed my murderousness, because he tensed up. But before he could do anything, I changed into my demon form:
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and teleported myself in front of the one who was the loudest.
I grabbed him by the collar, pulled him up and threw him full force against the nearest wall! Intimidated, he looked at me and begged for forgiveness. With disgust in my eyes, I looked at him and coldly twisted his neck. Well, anyone who insults me or is disrespectful to me has no right to expect sympathy! "Dare to treat me with such disrespect and insult me again and you are dead! Understood, or do I have to demonstrate it to you on someone else as well?" I shouted at the others. If I hadn't had everyone's attention and respect by then, I had it now at the latest.
I teleported back to my dad and as soon as I was standing next to him again, everyone bowed to me and shouted "Long live Princess Megami". I noticed the stolls in his eyes and rejoiced like a little child who had just received his Christmas present. I hugged him and said quietly so only he could hear, "I'm tired, I'm going to bed." With that I left him and went to my room.