Growing Family, Get The Turkey

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Addison and Aelwyne will be hosting the Thanksgiving dinner at their house. Will things go smoothly or...

Families change and grow as time goes by. A totally and completely normal thing which happens in life. Especially with the family you yourself choose. Linked by bonds that seem stronger than blood. Friends become something akin to siblings, cousins, parents, uncles, aunts. Suddenly there are many birthdays to celebrate, Thanksgivings to share, giving Christmases. You have movie nights, game nights, drunken nights and sleep overs. Friend's kids become everyone's nieces and nephews. The family grows and becomes stronger and stronger. It's rather nice to be able to form those types of relationships, those bonds. More so for people who have no one or who have blood relatives that are never there.

The people of Seattle Grace had become that missing family for both Addison and Aelwyne. In that hospital they had found the best family they could've ever asked for. With time moving forward that family grew. A merger with Mercy West brought along more friends. But also with time others left.

Izzie and George were both gone. Izzie was now in a different field, oncology, after experiencing firsthand what having cancer was like. Her and Alex didn't break up on the best of terms but after some time there were no hard feelings. As for George, he and Tim were off in the army, both as combat medics. It had been tough letting George go but he wanted it. He wanted it so much his enthusiasm for it was contagious. He checked in every week despite being so far, which was the first condition Bailey had given him.

Now for the people who came, there were four surgical residents who came with the merger. But out of the four only two had remained, April Kepner and Jackson Avery. At the beginning it was touch and go between them and the rest of their resident class. But after months working alongside each other, learning together, failing together, winning together, they became close. April and Jackson readily took the place left vacant by Izzie and George in the group of residents.

Things with the family were great, yes there were bumps here and there but slowly everything worked out. Things worked out so well that their entire class had passed the boards, giving way for them to become attendings. Despite April's small freak out when they were taking the exams.

It had been quite something when they got back, their noses stuck to their phones while they waited for the results. Their attendings and chiefs, all watching and waiting for their reactions. Addison hadn't been worried at all though, she knew what the results would be for everyone, especially for her. Aelwyne had been a nervous wreck but the redhead was sure everything would be ok. So when the brunette turned to face her she already had a smile and her arms opened wide for her wife.

Things were good. They were great. Their family kept growing, kept moving forward, kept on being extraordinary in their own way.


"Dr. Montgomery-Neirhem!"

"Why are you shouting when I'm right in front of you?" Addison bit out sharply while she walked alongside Callie, who left with a wink.

These new interns were making her want to pull her hair out. More so than the ones before, even with the whole appendectomy fiasco. She always wondered why Lexie allowed herself to be dragged into it but she supposed the baby surgeon within her was dying to do surgery all on her own. However, these new interns, these new ones made her seethe. They feared her as they should but still they walked around as if they owned the place. Parading about as if they knew everything when in reality they were babies, not even, they were but mere amoebas. This one in particular, Leah Murphy, got on her nerves consistently. It may be due to the little possessive streak she had over a very particular brunette but she would never admit to that. No. She was not jealous. She just hated the fact that this girl could be so...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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