Chapter 3: Contract

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Kinda long hope u enjoy lmk if u want more


You could feel as slender stared at you with no eyes.

"Come have a seat" you went up and sat down across from him. "I could kill you right now"

"What" you say with a funny look.

"There are creatures in this world and you're one of the first succubus blood to spawn in awhile" you looked at him even more confused. Mf was random.

"I'm so fucking confused stop coming up with different subjects please" you sighed.

"Let me start from the beginning. My name is slender man, I am an urban legend and as of this moment, you are in my dimension. In this reality, spirits, demons and monsters roam around, feasting and killing anything that breathes"

You look at him with very tired eyes, trying to grasp whatever he was going on about.

"Ok so" you start "can I like, leave? Because I've got a cat at home I need to feed and my legs hurt and I just don't think todays a good day yk?" You give a wide smile.

"(Y/n), the only reason you're alive is because I haven't torn you to shreds" you gulped. "I could kill you right here. You're small. Tiny. Defenseless"

"Nono please don't kill me" you begged a bit.

"I'll give you two options. 1. I give you a five minute head start to run into the woods before the creatures of the dark hunt you down and use your skin as a blanket. There's a .5% chance of you finding your way back"

You stared hard at him. Incredibly hard, wanting to burn your eyes into his white face.

"Or 2. You agree to my terms"

"Is there an option three where I wake up?" Your eye twitched and gave a smile to him. "Or another option where I can just walk out that door peacefully?"

"If you don't choose now I'll gladly give you those five minutes"

You thought through it. Miles and miles of stretched out woods. And you were worried about the creatures he was talking about.

"I'll do number two" you sighed.  If slender had a face you knew he'd be smiling.

"Good girl" your eyes widened "you have succubus blood so this is perfect" he stood up and he towered over you even more. You stayed alert at his every move but you could see your legs shake a bit. Fear.

"You smell of it. Do you have any idea how dangerous your smell is? The only way to leave is to get enough power for a ritual, a ritual your body needs to survive through" He kneeled down to you, eye level.

"Will you survive?"

You wanted more time to think but you knew in your situation there wasn't much you could do. You nodded and you flinched a bit as he started to lift your shirt, his fingers cold.

"You, (y/n), belong to me. Until the next Halloween, you are merely nothing but a creature of the night. That thrives on sex"

"Wait wha-" before you could finish, you felt a sudden burning in your stomach area. A painful uterus contraption cramp hitting you.

Just as fast as the pain came, it stopped. Only feeling a different type of burning in your stomach.

Your knees buckle and slender man carries you to his chair, sitting down comfortably and placing you on his lap.

Being so close to him, you could smell something so strong and enticing come off of him.

"Haha, do I smell good to you? (Y/n), this is what you cause" he takes your hand and places it on his crotch, rubbing himself using your hand and you watch as his budge grows.

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