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Pearl said, are you both ready to learn?

Spinel Rejuvenator said, uh.....ready......
Spinel Injector said, uh...me too.......

Pearl spoke after me......

Pearl said, this is the place to learn......

There were chairs all over the room and board

There was a sound from the speaker

sound from speaker Hello, this is a place to learn about special gems.You will have to study hard.

Spinels was pushed into the classroom

Spinel Injector, why are you pushing us?

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Spinel Injector, why are you pushing us?

Pearl didn't reply. All of a sudden, the door closes automatically

Pearl said nothing and waved goodbye

And there was a sound coming from the speakers for the spinels to sit in the chair

many years later

Spinels are practicing all sorts of combat

Spinels are practicing all sorts of combat

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White Spinel said how was the fight?

White Spinel thinks Spinel Injector is at a disadvantage

White Spinel thinks I should go help

spinel universeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt