ch 16 - Home Sweet Home

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stellarosedutton co author

Listen to the song "Home Sweet" by Russell Dickerson while reading this chapter

Tate's POV 
Ever since my little sis was born I have been wanting her to grow up faster so that I can play with her more. Throwing on my jacket I race to see grandpa and dad riding back into the fence area. "Daddy, why can't Evie grow up faster?" Dad gets off his horse picking me up laughing. "Unfortunately the world doesn't work like that buddy. But hey how about we get you riding your pony?" I nod excitedly when he heads for the barn. I've made up my mind of what I want to be in life. I want to be a cowboy. Grandpa says me and Evie will run this place one day and I can't wait. Auntie Beth has bought me two different cowboy hats and boots in the last two months. She's really fun when I'm around her. I tried to get her to ride on my pony with me once but she said I needed to ride on my own. "Alright kick him in the belly to go and pull these to stop." Dad said, placing a tan cowboy hat on my head climbing over the other side of the fence. I lightly kick and my horse starts running around the area a little fast but I throw my freehand up in the air crying out. "Yeah!" Dad chuckles with grandpa watching beside him. "For a nine year old he learns quickly."

Y/N was leaning on the porch post, holding a four year old Evelyn as she walked down the steps and over to Kayce as she watched Tate riding his pony as she was out of the medical boot and happier than ever “Hey handsome, what have you been up to?” She says, holding Evelyn while standing next to Kayce’s horse as she watches the ranch hands working “you wanna go for a walk with me and our little girl?” She says, knowing that Kayce loved going on walks and she wanted to go on a walk with him and their little girl who was enjoying the fact that she was gonna grow up and one day run the ranch with her brother but for now, she wanted them to enjoy everything the ranch had to offer including the scenery as she kissed Kayce’s lips softly before climbing into the saddle of her horse Tala who was a solid black horse as she put both feet in the stirrups “it’s about time i get back in the saddle, been a long time. Hasn’t it girl, we gotta go on our morning rides some more. I’ve missed it, and maybe we should teach Evie how to ride so she knows when she is older”

Kayce’s POV
Tate smiling on riding his horse makes me smile. Climbing on my horse I follow my wife who rides ahead of me carrying our daughter. When we were kids we'd always sneak off in this patch of woods acting like we were camping under the stars when the weather was nice enough. Tate wants his little sister to grow faster so they can play together which makes me laugh. That's what I told my mom when I was little about Y/n. Y/n's horse starts going faster and I catch on quickly to what she's doing. Kicking my horse I raced after hers meeting up with her. "Last one back has to put up the horses!" I called over my shoulder holding onto my hat racing back towards home. Y/n races after me neck and neck with my horse. Y/n somehow beats me and she throws her fist in the air cheering. "I win, even while holding a baby in my lap!" Waving my freehand around I dismount my horse shaking my head. "Yeah, yeah. You win...this time." She starts to respond but a gunshot goes off making everyone turn their heads to the front porch. My sister holding up a shotgun that was aimed at the wind chimes, she sits back down in her chair. "Home sweet home." Dad chuckles out as we all laughed, Beth always makes home interesting. 

Y/n's POV 
Y/N was standing there with Evelyn, walking into the kitchen as she sat the little girl on the counter before she started cooking dinner while she made sure that Evie stayed put as she made everyone’s favorites before setting the table quickly as she had heard that Jamie was coming to the house for dinner for the first time in years, she was nervous and didn’t know what to do because she had grown up with Jamie but he left after mom died so it was harder for her to remember him but she was making enough for everyone including Beth, Rip, Jamie, Lee, Me, Tate, Evie, and Dad because she was used to cooking for us but this was the first family dinner without mom here and she was so used to cooking for mom too so she made the biscuits, two big pots of them as she put everything on the table before walking outside with Evie on her hip as she sees everyone standing there “let’s go, time for dinner. We’ve got biscuits too, figured it would be good to make those as well as fry bread too”

Kayce’s POV
Coming down the stairs pulling on a flannel shirt my nose caught the smell of the biscuits. Entering the kitchen I see Y/n holding Evie after setting up the table. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to act like mom." I chuckled, wrapping my arms around her from behind. She smiles feeling Evie tugging at her shirt. The front door opened and we both went to go see Jamie enter the house. “Jamie.” I go to hug him and he hugs me back, mumbling.” Hi, brother.” Lee comes in with dad and Tate all sitting down at the table. Y/n and I sit down with Evie in a highchair. “Where’s auntie Beth at?” Tate asked, looking around the table. The front door opens and she walks in suddenly stopping in her tracks eyeing Jamie. “Why the hell is this asshole here?” Y/n covers our daughters ears and I cover Tate’s. Lee scolds our sister. “Beth language.” She stomps over to her chair by dad slumping down. “Sweetheart, can you please sit through one family dinner?” He questioned, shaking his head. Jamie eyes her tilting his head down. Rip notices something on the table beside the biscuits. “Is that fried bread, Y/n?” She nods, handing him a plate. “Beth said your mom made it when you were little.” He takes a bite smiling at her, complimenting her cooking. “Just like mom used to make. Thanks.” Gator enters the room asking. “What drinks do you all want?” Beth flips her hair, holding an unlit cigarette in her free hand. “Three shots of ice cream and three shots of tequila.” Tate raises his hand requesting. “Chocolate milk, please.” Silence fell over the dinner table as we all ate but it was clear there's tension between my sister and jamie. 

Y/N was sitting there, enjoying the family dinner even though there was tension as she noticed that Evelyn was falling asleep in the chair as she scooped her up "well I'm gonna take her to bed, she is sleeping. I'll be right back" She says, walking upstairs quietly as she laid Evelyn down in her bed as she covered Evelyn up and kissed her head before going back downstairs and sitting down at the table as she quietly eats her food and holds Kayce's hand in hers. 

Kayce's POV
Y/n and I go sit down in the porch swing enjoying the sunset. Her head lay on my chest with my arms wrapped around her. Who would have thought her childhood dream of us ending up together would become real. Lifting my head I hear a truck pull into the driveway. Someone slams the driver door for us to see Walker match up the stairs. “I want full rights over my son.” He tosses a legal document in Y/n’s lap, she picks it up reading it aloud. “Child custody papers.” Walker nods angrily, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ll see you in court Monday morning.” Looking down at my wife I rest a hand on her leg, worried in my eyes. “Kayce, what are we gonna do?” This was gonna be a legal battle which is something only one person in this family is good at. If my wife and I want to keep Tate we’d need Jamie’s help, and Beth won’t like it one bit. 

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